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My eyes fluttered open and in stared up at my ceiling. Breaths filled the room, both animal and human.

Last night Jasper had visited me in my room, his to wolves had followed and they had played with their little puppy like many times before.

The little wolf cub laid curled into a ball at my stomach and the to adult wolves laid beside the bed on the floor.

Jasper though...he laid beside me, breathing regularly as he was still consumed by sleep.

I laid still, just listening to the even breaths filling my room and thought back to everything that had happened since that awful night two weeks ago where I had lost my father.

Surprisingly I hadn't shift that night, probably as I was exhausted and had already shifted two times that day.

The day after I had been at a meeting with the council were they discussed wether to fulfill my father's wish and give me the crown or give it to Carnelian who had right to the throne by signed documents.

The meeting hadn't gotten us anywhere and it had gone in circles so I had given all the castles inhabitants at that time a choice, so that maybe we could decide anything.

So they did, after I had left and told Jasper we were mates and hours after that a guard had come to escort me back to the dining hall wich now afterwards is funny, they decided who should lead the kingdom in the dining hall and everyones thought had been taken in consideration.

Not only the regular lords but even the guards, soldiers and servants had had a say in this and that's what had been crucial for the decision. The servants and guards had voted for me, probably because they knew me and Carnelian and the guards had been trained by me so they knew I could lead, a battle at least.

When it came to the lords it had been split thoughts about me, the council had wanted Carnelian but half of the other lords wanted me so I had gotten most votes but the council was supposed to choose the leader so their choice either more, that wasn't enough to place Carnelian on the throne though so I won.

Well...not entirely.

They knew I was strong enough, the King had wanted me as his successor and I was related to the royals, I was the Kings firstborn.

What they didn't know was if I was competent enough to lead the kingdom, to find out they decided to put me on test period, doesn't that sound funny? I'm the Queen, on test.

Well, that's what they decided and I accepted as Carnelian would end up on the throne otherwise and that had also been my last wish even though I myself had no desire to lead a kingdom.

Now this...test, will go on for one year and when the council gather again they will decide if I'm fitted for the throne otherwise they will find another, probably Carnelian.

He wasn't happy with me, I hadn't seen much of him these last weeks though, he probably sulked for himself.

The other guests that had been here for the competition had mostly left by know and the castle was once again empty, or at least calmer now that it was only high lords, servants and guards occupying it now.

So I have all the power now, last week I was officially introduced as Princess and also given all the power, on test of course. The council will obviously be by my side and lead with me, but I have most of the power right now.

Then there was also this problem with...my curse. They had been worried it wasn't appropriate for me to sit on the throne if I at night went out to kill my own people but when I explained about the magic that could help me they decided that if I used that magic I would be accepted as leader.

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