12. The Wrong Dance

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It felt wrong to dance with the young man, one if the competitors that frequently attended the competition every year.

I knew he had been out for me since the first day he saw me and he had waited for a chance to lay hands in me.

Of course he had jumped at me the moment he rejected me at the ball, this was all wrong though. I shouldn't dance with him I should dance with the other man I had saw making his way towards me before this man had caught me.

But now I want to sure if he really had been on his way to me as he know appeared to dance with a cute brown haired girl. She was a dreamer and usually all by herself, daydreaming.

It was obvious she was all over Jasper and I felt a sudden jolt of jelousy surge through me making me clench the fabric of the young mans shirt to keep from attacking the girl dancing with Jasper.

Maybe he wanted to dance with her, who was I to interrupt the pair then? Maybe I shouldn't have come here, maybe Jasper just had wondered if I would come. Maybe he hadn't wanted me to come at all, he could have been curious about my job.

The girl in his arms suddenly leaned forward and rested her head on his chest and my grip on my dance partner tightened even more.

The man of course took my hardening grip on him the wrong way and gave me a suggestive smirk. He twirled me around and I followed quickly to return my position do I could see Jasper and the girl.

He had his back to me so I couldn't see his face, turns out I wouldn't have time to see it as my dance partner leaned forward and obscured my vision of the pair.

"Do you want to take some air?" he said in a seducing tone as he tugged at my arm and began leading me too the door.

I felt disgusted, no way I would follow him but as I was leaving the ball I was on my way in that direction so I could follow him out at least.

The guards at the doors stood emotionless as I followed the man out through the open doors but I could distinguish shock written over their features as they saw me leave the party with a male guest.

The lord knows what they thought about this when they only could guess the situation by what they are seeing and not knowing what I thought about this.

The man led me down a corridor that would take us to the garden, often used by guests attending balls at the caste when they wanted privacy but didn't want to go up all the stairs.

Luckily this corridor lead to the stairs that would take me to my rooms too, I would leave the man here so he could go back to the ball.

I steered my steps to the stairs but when the man noticed this he took a firm grip of my arm and dragged me past the stairs to the garden doors.

"I'm sorry but can you let go of me? I think I will go back to my rooms, you should go back to the ball" I said politely, irritated by the man who thought he could do whatever he wanted to be know when I had danced with him at the ball.

It was a stupid idea from the beginning, I should have listened to myself but I didn't and know I'm pissed and will be the rest of the day too, good job.

The man didn't seem to listen to me instead he tightened his grip on my arm even more as he pushed the doors to the garden open and pulled me out after him. Pulling them shut behind us.

Irritated and pissed by his actions I clenched my teeth and balled my fists in an attempt to hold back the urge to beat him up for treating me like this.

It wouldn't look good if I hit him, even if it was in self defense. He is attending the competition and I'm supposed to be the trainer, people would complain if I made it personal.

The man dragged me with him down one of the paths, hidden away from any prying eyes.

I cleared my throat in an attempt to make him listen to me "Excuse me but I want you to let go of me now" I said firmly to him but he still didn't let go.

"Shut up" he said harshly and I almost kicked him were the sun doesn't shine out of irritation. I really didn't like this man, not at all.

Suddenly he stopped and pressed me down onto a stone bench "Sit down" he ordered me and pushed me down onto the cold and hard surface.

I gritted my teeth and yanked my hand out of his grip, enough of being polite. He's unreasonable and a threat to the castles women as he didn't seem to have any respect.

Rising to my feet I walked around him and we're on my way away from him when something gripped my hair and yanked me backwards.

My head hurt painfully as he harshly dragged me backwards by my hair. He pushed me down to the ground and straddled me keeping my arms to my sides.

I could easily push him off me as this is the type of training go learned first off all and still trained from time to time but before either could make a move the man's weight was gone.

My eyes met with the worried and angry eyes off Jasper as he glanced at me before returning his gaze to the man that now looked furious as he rose from the ground and brushed leaves off himself stalking to Jasper with a murderous look.

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