16. The Trainer And Rules

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I felt impatient as I waited in the enormous trainig. Everything was at the ready as we didn't needed much today for training.

My job today was to explain the game rules and what we would do at training, nothing more nothing less.

Stalking back and forth on the mat in the middle of the room I didn't acknowledge the guards standing posted in the room.

My experience we had figured out that even well raised children that knew the rules could start a really messy fight.

I don't know why they had thought these children wouldn't because I had only waited for it and when it happened I had been in charge to prevent it.

My impatience weren't caused by the lack of persons I would train. They won't be here until the time I had told them to be here got closer and right now it was 20 minutes left.

My impatience were caused by a certain person. I hadn't seen Jasper since the ball and for some reason I missed him.

He would be here, I would train him and he would attend the competition. My yearning for him only grew by the seconds as I didn't had the control I needed to calm down.

We hadn't yet found the ring but they were searching the garden as that and the big hall was the only place I could think of where I could have lost the ring.

I had lived in a small village with my mom the first ten years of my life. One day my mom and I were on our way trough the forest to our usual meeting place with dad as he was the king and couldn't be seen in the village.

We had gotten attacked by shadow wolves and mom had gotten killed. One wolf had bit me at the side and now I had an ugly scar by my waist.

Mom had held of the wolves from me and told me to run so I did, Garnet was as always waiting for us by the waterfall but as soon as he saw me and the blood he had hurried to me.

I hadn't needed to say anything he only took of down the small manmade path on his way to where he thought mom was and I rushed after him.

When we had gotten to mom again she were dead, her body had been fly ravished and no wolf could be seen anywhere.

That night my mom had died was the day I had been cursed. The bite had spread a venom trough my body making me turn a shadow wolf at night, a monster.

Dad had taken me to the castle and covered me up by telling everyone I were Peridots daughter and didn't have a place to stay on as my mother had died.

After a couple of days the curse had spread wholly and I had turned for the first time into a vicious beast with claws and fangs.

I had killed someone that day, my first kill was at the age of ten. Garnet had looked for something to solve the problem and had talked to a contact from the Kingdom of Magic. They had been able to create the ring to dull out the beast and give me better control over it but it wouldn't work if I didn't wore the ring.

I was brought out if my thoughts when the doors opened and my first apprentice emerged.

I had seen the young man the year before, from what I had seen from the trainings and the tests I had watched that year he weren't too good but he kept coming back and we kept letting him in.

After him the others seemed to drop in and it was still around ten minutes before we would begin.

I recognized most of them from the years before, as I had had work I hadn't seen to much of the competition but I had seen enough to know they weren't getting all their training to their heads.

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