18. The First Training

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Yawning loudly I followed the others as we walked to the trainignhall after the breakfast. My feet almost dragged behind me as I walked.

I hadn't been this tired in years and it felt like I could just stop and fall asleep standing right now.

Something told me that todays training wouldn't be too action filled. When we arrived at the training hall Ruby were already standing in the middle she looked down to the floor, deep in thoughts.

She looked stiff, sad and guilty. She looked haunted. All at the same time but she didn't seem to be tired, my brain didn't catch up fast enough so I didn't have time to figure out what that meant.

She seemed to notice us staring at her so she looked up and when her eyes swooped over the crowd her expression were void of emotion.

People continued to pour in the flooding thinning out as the clock neared the time we're the training would begin.

Quiet talk could be heard around the room but the captain didn't say a word, quietly waiting and watching all of us. That's probably why everyone held their voices down.

It wasn't until the clock had chimed, indicating the trainings beginning and everyone were quiet she talked.

"So, today we will actually train and as I said yesterday the first half of the training will consist of basic training in the use of...sword" she said dramatically and a sigh escaped from the crowd.

It immediately quieted down as her eyes narrowed on us "The other half will be free and you can train however you want with everything provided to you here" she continued and the crowd seemed to like this idea more.

I didn't doubt the later half of the training would be their favorite, probably mine too but she's a good trainer when she trains us in the basics. It's almost awaited by a trainer to educate us in the basics but as everyone expects us to now it already we just jump right into it.

"Now, I know most of you doesn't like this idea but it's my lesson and I want it this way, if you don't want to participate just leave and ask someone if you can get a private training time so you can train later in your own way" she said.

She paused for a moment to see if anyone would leave but nobody moved though some people probably wanted to the captain made it sound like a challenge. No one dared to go against her and nobody tried.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get this started" she said excitedly and something sparkled in her eyes. She liked training? She seemed to like training or why was her eyes so bright all by a sudden?

"Why don't you take three laps around the room to warm up? Then we gather in a straight line, dies that sound good?" she asked.

She ran to the side of the room "Come on! What are you waiting for? It's just to begin running we don't have time to just stand and stare" she said and began running along the walls side.

Was she going to run with us? Ordinary trainers don't do that right? Or do they, I thought they only said to us what to do and made us do it.

I didn't thought they would participate, well I didn't now anything about trainers so I couldn't really compare to anything but I had heard other people talking about that and the captain certainly didn't fit in on what I had heard.

Everyone began running, following her lead. Footsteps thundered against the floor and I noticed people already, after only a half lap were beginning to get tired. Didn't run often or what?

The guards posted around the room looked admiringly at Ruby as she ran. Did they think she were a good trainer, did she train with them or did she train them? Why are they admiring her like that?

"You okay?" a sudden voice said and I almost jumped out of my skin. My expression must have been horrified and confused as I met Ruby's brown eyes.

Nodding was the only thing I could do as it seemed I had lost my voice. She ran beside me for some time, she were observing me. Her stare made me nervous and all I could think about was her eyes upon me.

She frowned and began correcting me as we ran, giving me tips on how to run without tiring myself out too fast.

After she saw I had caught up her tips she moved on to the persona running behind me and I heard her smooth voice as she began correcting however was behind me and giving the person tips to run more effectively. She's a good trainer, she's really good.

Ruby ran at the very back with a girl who had slipped behind and we're struggling to keep running

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Ruby ran at the very back with a girl who had slipped behind and we're struggling to keep running.

Everybody else were standing in a neat line, I had been one of the first to finish my laps so I had waited quite some time for everyone to finish theirs.

Watching Ruby had given me more questions than answers but it wasn't a doubt she indeed earned her position and the admiring looks were caused by her skill and understanding. She knew what people needed so they could learn and she probably knew very much about physical training so she could give tips on how to improve others training.

Now everyone was in a line, moat of them still panting heavily and sweat running down their faces.

I weren't to faced by the running. Often I had been out with the wolves and cashed them or being chased, playing with them for hours and hours made me stronger.

I had thought the competitors would be really trained and that I would be the one to not catch up to their level but it didn't seem like they were that good at the running part.

Well, why would they? The tests didn't usually involve running so it's wasn't really necessary in those games but it's still good to keep the fitness not only focusing on those parts that would be necessary but all parts.

"Okay, we will probably have to work more on that bit you seem to learn fast enough so I don't think that would be too much of a problem" she said.

"Now my friends, what you all have waited for" she said, she clapped her hand together. She probably knew no one was waiting for the sword basics but she didn't seem to care.

She unsheated her sword and held it in her hands for everyone to see. It was mostly plain and simple, similar to the other guards but it had some differences.

The silvery blade had some some engravings, I couldn't see what it stood but the letters seemed to be beautifully and skillfully made.

At the top of the handle was a wolf head formed. It was an ebony color with the exception of the wolfs ruby red eyes, it probably was real rubies.

I didn't now much about forging swords but I instantly knew this sword was a masterpiece, whoever created is was skilled.

She seemed to admire the sword before she looked up at the crowd, she smiled at the amazed expression we all bore. Even the ones with untrained eyes saw it was masterly made.

An strange emotion flickered in her eyes, pride? Did she feel proud about owning this masterpiece?

"Now as is said we will start from the beginning and what is a better way to start than making out the parts?" she said. This was something most of the population in the room seemed to dislike.

Maybe it wasn't really necessary to know the parts of the sword, you fight with it as simple is that. You don't need to know the parts if you aren't planning on doing one yourself so why would this be useful? But it's true, the best way to start is actually to know the parts.

The captain noticed everyones dislike and her eyes gleamed, she liked to play around with people. No doubt about it.

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