28. The Gun Training

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My thoughts were all over the place that day and my concentration at the training weren't really on top. I still thought about the man I had met yesterday, Ruby's father. It was pretty impressive she was in higher rank than him and commanded him, she really is worthy of her place if the royal family rather placed a young girl at that position than her older and more experienced father.

According to the captains speech today we soon would be done with the basics of all weapons and would begin with other sorts of training. No one knew what she had planned though as she had refused to tell us.

As we almost were through all different weapons you could think of it weren't many left to learn about and today it was gun training.

Guns were quite a new weapon and it wasn't a popular weapon among the kingdom yet though it seemed to be effective and practical.

But trough Ruby's praisings about the weapon she would probably bring it to the kingdom soon. Was she trying to convince the king about the effectiveness of the weapon at their meetings?

When the captain of the royal guard had went trough the theoretical part she finally let us begin on the practical. Now all competitors that hadn't been eliminated yet, only two had yet been eliminated in the test yesterday, stood lined up as every other day and tried to load their weapons.

I didn't get the hang of it, I didn't understand how to load it and that made me feel incredibly stupid. When she had done it it had looked to be easy but it wasn't, maybe this was just everyday stuff to her?

What did I know about her days really? I only saw her between the hours of breakfast and dinner and I had no idea what she did at the other hours of the day.

I never saw her but I guessed she had meetings with important people, was out catching criminals or trained with the other Royal Guard but what did she do at her spare time? Did she even have spare time? What did she like to do?

I tried to load the weapon bit I didn't know how and it seemed to be stupid to try too shoot at the target and shoot of my foot just because I didn't get the hang of it.

I looked around and too my relief it seemed like the others too had a hard time with the loading the weapon stuff, it was only too people that had began to shoot. Lady Jadeline was one of them of course. The girl that hung around the princes arm at every hour of the day when she wasn't training.

The captain was walking around from person to person and explaining further of how to load and I saw it would probably take some time until she reaches me and could help me with it so I stared at Jadeline and watched as she loaded the weapon.

Then I imitated her movements and loaded my weapon, hopefully I hadn't missed something and would blow myself up when I shot.

Lifting the weapon and aiming at the target I closed my eyes and looked away, not wanting to see the disaster that may occur.

Pulling the trigger I heard the loud bang when the shot went off and my hand was thrower back by the strong force of it.

Nothing hurt and I didn't hear anyone screaming or something so I dared look back to the target and saw that the shoot had indeed sailed forward but it hadn't hit the target, in fact it was closer to the target of the person beside me and not anywhere close mine.

It was better than the person beside mine though, he hadn't even shot yet and was still trying to load the weapon as moat of the other people in the room.

I settled down by observing the others that was making progress and tried to learn from them until Ruby would reach me.

I settled down by observing the others that was making progress and tried to learn from them until Ruby would reach me

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