43. The Hint

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I stared at the captain as I trained with the gun. I wasn't concentrating on aiming for the targets but instead I watched Ruby as she thoughtfully wandered around the room and distracted by her thoughts helped people who asked for help.

After Jadelines outburst she had gotten enough and demanded everyone to stop asking questions and begin training I'd they didn't want to leave the room immediately.

Jadeline had unwillingly backed down and the other people had quickly scrambled around the room to begin the training, not wanting to get the same treatment of the captain as Jadeline was getting.

Ruby and Jadeline eyed each other suspiciously, never letting each other out of sight for to long.

Ruby wasn't to happy with Jadeline right now and they were keeping out of each others way as always but it's worse now than it usually was.

They held a hostile feeling against each other and I couldn't shake the feeling of that Jadeline knew more of what had happened the night before than the captain wanted.

Jadeline had accused her, she had acted like last nights events was all Ruby's fault, like she could have prevented it.

But how could she have prevented a vicious beast to break free into the castle, wasn't it an accident? Why were Jadeline accusing her?

The weirder thing we're that Ruby seemed to agree on what Jadeline said, she didn't protest but instead took the blame like it actually was hopingr fault. She looked so guilty it confused me.

I had determined to find out what all this is about, everything was confusing and I wanted to know what.

As soon as training ended I was talking to Ruby, and I wouldn't back down until I got my answers.

As soon as training ended I was talking to Ruby, and I wouldn't back down until I got my answers

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Finally, Ruby announced the training today finished and everyone left to the dining hall to eat.

I tried to get to Ruby as everyone left but the crowd was packed so when I reached where I saw her the second before she had already disappeared out the door and I hurried after her.

This is not like her, she usually stays until everyone has left and then packs in every material used at the training before heading to the dining hall or a meeting or her room.

This time she left before everyone else, she was avoiding something or someone.

I knew she had noticed my attention so she knew I wanted to talk to her but why did she leave then? Was she avoiding me? Why? Did she know what I wanted to ask or why didn't she want to talk to me?

I finally got outside the training hall only to see she was long gone, disappearing down the corridor upstairs. I was just heading my to the stairs when I heard something that stopped me.

"I don't know why the king allows her to stay, she's a risk to us all!" Jadeline exclaimed.

Why would the captain want to hurt us? How could she even think that Ruby would do this?

"What do you mean by that?" I turned to her abruptly. I was tired of being kept in the dark and if Ruby wasn't going to tell me what was going on I guess I will have to ask Jadeline that may not have all information straight but some information is better than nothing.

Jadeline stopped on her way to the dining hall and stared at me before she broke into a smile.

"Just what I said, she's a risk to us all. The king shouldn't allow that thing to stay" she said and the ladies following her nodded approvingly.

Why did it sound like Ruby was "That thing", what does Ruby has to do with this. Isn't it the beast that is dangerous?

"Why is The Captain so dangerous she hadn't done anything but her job." I said. Why did Jadeline blame her?

Did she really think that Ruby would let the beast free to attack everyone in the castle? Why would she do that?

She laughed like I had said something funny, like she knew something I didn't. Hey blonde curls whipping around and the girls around her giggled.

"Oh, she hadn't done her job at all, she's meant to keep us safe but she isn't doing a great job. She should have left long ago if she wanted to do that" she laughed.

I furrowed my eyebrows, what's that supposed to mean? She has surely some a great job, at least after what I have heard. How would she leaving keep us safe?

Jadeline put a hand on my chest "Little Jasper Hamill, she isn't innocent at all" she looked up at me with an apologetic look like she really felt bad for me but I knew it was fake.

"You should ask people where she have been everytime the beast was set free and what she had been doing to prevent this from happening" I stared at her.

She has been at the meetings trying to clear things up, everybody knew that. The Captain had missed several dinners along with other important people after the attacks. Why are Jadeline even taking this up, it's hopeless.

"Maybe she has been at the meeting but she hasn't done a thing, she has been anything but helpful I can tell you. Isn't it time to question why she really is?" she asked.

What is this even leading to? What does this have to do with anything?

"You know she turned up magically a couple of years ago and the former captain, her father Peridot is telling us she's his daughter. But do you know what?" she said and I waited for her to continue. When she noticed I listened even though I was irritated she smirked.

"People who knew Peridot from before got shocked, they had never even heard he had a daughter before. They knew he had a wife that died long ago but never had they heard about a child! Don't you think that is weird?" she asked me and I pondered about what she had said.

I had never heard this before. "Do you even know who she is? Probably not. Because no one else does, she just turned up a day and demanded more space as tinlme went and now she is the royal guards captain and nobody is questioning who she is." Jadeline said and I thought about this.

My father had mentioned this before but I had never really thought about it until now, well I didn't really now Ruby and I hadn't really asked anything about this before so of course it's new to me.

Jadelines eyes glimmered when she saw that I was thinking about this and as to finish what's he had said and giving me something to really think about she leaned in closer and whispered to only me.

"Did you know that when she first moved here similar attacks to these ones lately was common, why is it that the attacks begun when she moved here?" she asked and then she pushed herself off me and turned graciously before walking off and her friends followed after her with their skirt flowing behind them.

I was left alone in the corridor with my thoughts, what was she hinting at?

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