"Marcos, I won't put you health at risk. Let's just wait until I ask the doctor, okay?" He nods in defeat.

"Fine." I decide to tease him a little.

"You know, I hope the doctor let's you get back to your normal routine... your muscles are getting kind of soft." I see the slight worry in his eyes.

"What?" I laugh at his panic.

"I'm just joking! Oh my God, you should have seen your face!" He glares at me but then breaks into laughter too.

"I'm gonna get you back for that! You better watch out!" I roll my eyes playfully.

"Right." After our laughter dies down I bid him good night and head back to my room. I shower and change into another pair of Alessandro's pyjamas. The scent of the previous ones is wearing off. I get ready to go to bed but before I actually reach it I hear a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" No answer. I feel my heart start beating quickly. Calm down! There's no reason to be scared. I hear another knock and ask again in a louder voice.

"WHO IS IT?"I recieve no answer but hear the door knob turn. I run to the bedside table to grab my blade but stop when I see Angelo walk in. I try to move but my body seems to be frozen in its place.

"Don't act so surprised." He takes a couple of steps in my direction.

"What are you doing here? What do you want?" I manage to speak but fail to sound confident. He can clearly see my fear. He looks at my clothing before smirking.

"Are those his? How cute." He gets closer and I walk back.

"I asked you something!" I yell at him in frustration.

"Oh please Amber. I've seen the way you act with other men and you only met my cousin a few months ago. How could you possibly have fallen in love with him in such a short amount of time?"I forget any fear as it is replaced with anger.

"How dare you! I love Alessandro and it doesn't matter how long I've known him!" I had stormed over to him in the heat of the moment and when I realized I tried walking away but he grabbed my arms with his hands. I was caught off guard and he took advantage of it by planting a kiss on my lips. He's been drinking, I smell the alcohol on his breath. I try to push him away but fail since he has a good grip on my arms.

"Don't resist. You want this just as much as me, I promise I am much better than my cousin." He picks me up before I could even notice and he placed me on the bed before getting on top of me and pinning me down. No, this isn't going to happen again. I feel the fear course my body and for some reason I forget everything they have taught me, I forget every punch, kick and lock. I just feel my body stiffen and the tears welling up. I shut my eyes and start whispering as he presses his lips onto my neck.

"No. Stop. Please. Please!" I start sobbing hysterically and I feel him stop. I open my eyes and look at his horrified expression. He quickly gets off of me and I immediately get out of the bed. I feel my accelerated heartbeat as I start crying again and fall onto the floor. I was so sure it was going to happen.

"I-I'm sorry." He tries to walk closer but I flinch and crawl back.

"Amber, I didn't think I would scare you. Please, I won't hurt you." I see the regret in his eyes. He seems to have actually sobered up a little. He walks over to me and kneels down in front of me.

Saving the Mafia Boss (BOOK 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora