Chapter 31- A Day to Remember

Start from the beginning

"Do you, Andrea Francois, take Daniel Edwards to be your husband?"

"I do." I said blushing at how quickly I responded.

The priest then turned his attention to Daniel.

Before the priest could continue, Daniel said, " If I didn't want to marry her I would not be here. Now skip to the last part." he said causing everyone to laugh.

The priest looked offended and I laughed too.

" I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." he said in a rush to Daniel and walked away.

" He's probably sad he'll never have a wife." Daniel said and kissed me passionately.

We looked at our guests who were taking pictures of us. The flower girls, ring bearer and those taking part in the wedding began to walk.

I smiled at Nadia when I saw her. She looked so beautiful. She smiled back warmly at me as her partner came and hooked their hands together to walk out.

" Daniel, I love you." I told him smiling.

"I love you too." he said kissing me on the cheek.

I smiled and soon we were outside.

I was about to enter the limousine which was waiting for us when Daniel pulled me back.

I looked at him curiously.

A white and gold carriage with four white horses appeared out of nowhere and tears brimmed through the corner of my eyes.

This was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me.

I kissed Daniel passionately. This was something seen in fairytales and despite the fact our life in the past was like a fairytale, with Daniel, everything felt real.

I heard our guests gasp at the carriage which was coming. It was beautiful.

Daniel helped me up and he soon got on. We then rode to the hotel which our reception was being held.

__________Nadia's Pov____________

Never had I ever witnessed something so magical in my life before.

Andrea looked so beautiful as she gracefully walked down the aisle and tears threatened to spill from my eyes, not only because she looked stunning but also for the fact that I kept envisioning my mother walking down the aisle. Life was not the best for me a couple of months ago, but at least I had my mother despite our ups and downs.

My mother was supposed to get married to that fool. I never liked him but my mother was determined to marry him. He was a worthless scumbag and he left my mom because she refused to marry him when I was still missing. He was a bastard and sadly, my mother realised that too late.

If only she knew before. I blame him for her death, but more importantly, I blame the guy who kidnapped me. Raymond was heartless. He caused my mother's death. She was under so much pressure. I still can't believe my mom is dead.

Now, thinking back, I regret not doing karate. My father was a black belt.

He always wanted to teach me but died when I was nine in a car crash.

My mom was heartbroken and depressed but she eventually started dating two years later and I ruined every single one of her relationships out of spite. No one could ever replace my father. She met Wesley when I was fifteen and despite how many times I tried to ruin her relationship with him by throwing my teenage tantrums, she refused to let him go. So many years to deal with that horrible man was painful for me. He never disrespected me but just the fact my mother was with another man caused me to hate him. Also, he was dependent on my mother for money. He was a gold digger and a selfish bastard but she realised that too late.

I was brought back to reality as I heard cheering. The bride and groom had exchanged their vows and were now saying "I do".

I then saw Andrea smile at me and I returned the gesture.

My partner then came to me and I hooked my hand with his.

As soon as we were outside the chapel he unhooked his hand from mine and walked off with disgust written all over his face.

Had I done something wrong?

All the girls stared at me and I could see that they were whispering things about me. Why were they chastising me?

Suddenly, one of the girls decided to approach me with her hands crossed over her chest and I could tell she had a sassy attitude with the mannerism she used to walk over.

"You think you can just take Kyra's place? Well, I've got news for you. You're a nobody. No one likes you. Who do you think you are? You're just a poor orphan who Andrea felt sorry for." Lucy said.

I stood there in utter disbelief. Never in a million years did I ever think someone could stoop so low to bully someone.

I stood there with my eyes opened wide and mouth gaping, unable to respond to such a low blow I had received.

" Lucy, why are you being so mean to Nadia?" Lisa stepped in for me, sounding confused.

" Lisa, can't you see what she's doing? She's trying to take the place of Kyra." Lucy shouted clearly annoyed.

"What? I'm not trying to take the place of anyone.

A tear rolled down my face but I quickly wiped it away.

" Oh no, you're making her cry!" Ali exclaimed sadly and hit Lucy hard on the arm.

" Oww! What was that for?" Lucy asked furiously.

"Stop being so mean!" Jenny shouted at her.

"Are you all defending her? No one likes her. Drew literally dropped her as soon as they got out of the chapel. He was so embarrassed to be seen with her." Lucy said, laughing a little.

" You know what, all of you just shut up! Even if you don't like her you don't have to make her feel bad!" Daisy exclaimed.

"Why are you acting like such a hypocrite Daisy? You were the one who was mean to her first." Khloe spat in her face.

" Well, I got to know her. She's a nice person." Daisy responded.

I couldn't take it anymore. I entered the limousine and sat next to the window. The other girls entered and were still bickering about the whole situation.

I zoned out and stared out the window. I felt so alone in this world. Why was I even here? Why was life so horrible? I wished things could go back to how it was before I was kidnapped.

We soon arrived at the hotel where the reception was being held. I looked up to see that it was just Lucy and me left in the limousine.

"You know what, just forget about this. Nadia, if you mention a thing about what happened in here I will personally reconstruct your face." Lucy said and got out of the limo with a fake smile.

I gulped feeling threatened by her.

"Nadia, just ignore them. They're just being spoilt brats." Lisa said to me and I tried to fake smile the hurt and pain I felt inside.

I don't know why Lucy and Khloe were being such jerks.

Despite all the hurt I was feeling inside, I tried my best to seem cheerful at the reception. After toasts had been made to the bride and groom, the dance floor began to fill with people.

Lucy came close to me and whispered in my ear, " You don't belong here so why don't you get lost."

I flinched at her statement but it was the truth. I did not belong here. I was just a void which no one wanted around and as soon as Kyra comes back home, I'll be gone and out of their lives.

While everyone goofed around on the dance floor, I sat at an empty table with a glass of champagne in my hand and sighed.

One thing I've learnt today is that I do not belong here. Until I get out of here, this day will always haunt me.

This would be a day to remember.


Thanks for reading. This chapter took forever to edit. Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter.


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