Chap 18 - Seokjin

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That night Taehyung thought long and hard about Hoseok even until he fell asleep. When he entered his dreams, he saw a flash of white erupt around him.

An explosion destroyed the building he was in. He looked around and saw a man trapped in the rubble. Taehyung ran over to the man and saw his familiar face- Hoseok. He tried to help but his hand went through the wood on top of him. He felt something run right through him- another boy.

"Hobi!" He ripped apart the wood blocking him. "Don't die! Please don't die!" He pulled him out and laid him on the floor.

When Taehyung looked at him, he had blood seeping through his clothes.

"Please don't die... don't die... don't die..." He held onto his head and cried into his hair.

"Quite sad don't you think?" A voice came from behind Taehyung. When he turned around, it was the present Hoseok. "His name was Seokjin. His name meant great and precious and he truly was. I loved him so much. He always called me Hobi, he would never tell me why."

"What happened?"

"Hunters. In this world, there are vampires and there are those who hunt vampires. They can track you if you turn into a true vampire for too long. They were onto him- yes he was the vampire- and they found him. They were out to kill him, I tried to interfere but was hurt, as you can see. He was completely enraged by this and turned into a true vampire and used all the power he had inside him to evaporate them."

"That explosion-"

"Was made by him."

Seokjin continued weeping onto the dying Hoseok's body. "Seokjin... don't cry... it saddens me..." He was shocked to hear his voice. "You killed them all, didn't you?" he nodded his head. "I see... did you use your power?" he nodded again. "Your dying then, aren't you?" he nodded. "Too bad... I was going to ask you to marry me after all this was over." Hoseok turned over and coughed up blood.

"I don't think I can take this anymore..." Hoseok held onto his stomach from where he was impaled by what seemed like a metal rod.

"Don't die... please..." he whispered to him. His eyes widened and he looked at Hoseok's neck. "I can't let you die like this..."

"Seokjin... no..." but he already sunk his teeth into the side of Hoseok's neck.

His hair began to float as his eyes began to turn red.

"You know that when a vampire gets blood, they can't stop until they're done." Taehyung nodded to Hoseok. "See the gap in the roof above him? It's should be morning soon."

Sure enough, sunlight began to pour into the room. It got closer and closer to Seokjin and then finally it touched him. Smoke began to come off of him but he continued on Hoseok's neck.

"Seokjin... stop... run..." he ignored his lover's wishes.

He finally stopped and kissed Hoseok in the sunlight. He went to get up but was still too weak to move. Flames erupted around his body as he burned in the sunlight. Everything went black.

When Hoseok awoke, he looked up to see the one he loved as a statue of ashes. He reached out to touch his face but he crumbled.

"Gaze upon the fool he was. He knew being in sunlight as a vampire would kill him. He left as he condemned me to spend a cursed life without him. I had to watch him die."

"He loved you. Saving you was the only thing he could think about."

"Thank you Taehyung." He looked seriously at Taehyung. "You sense it now, don't you? Jungkook fading away or you sleeping for eternity instead of him. You can feel the same fate upon you as was upon Seokjin." Taehyung nodded. "If the time actually does come, make the right choice."

Taehyung woke up in his regular spot-on top of Jungkook. He shook Jungkook awake and told him the dream he just saw-all except for the feeling of his own demise.

The next morning, Jungkook kept covering Taehyung whenever the sunlight hit him.

"I'm not a true vampire right now..."

"You can never be too cautious," he said as he closed all the blinds in the house. Taehyung smiled at Jungkook. He walked over to him and kissed him. "What was that for?" Taehyung had never been the first to kiss.

"Thank you for caring." Jungkook kissed him back.

School and everything went by smoothly from then on. The news of Uho's death made people suspicious of Taehyung and Jungkook but soon forgot about it, thinking that they wouldn't actually kill someone.

Things were also getting better for Yoongi and Jimin. Yoongi came to school one-day surprising Jimin with the fact that he had a job and was saving money for them. Every time he said he was going to hang out with women, he was, in reality, going to his part-time job. He was desperately trying to save money so he could get Jimin a house away from his mother.

Finally, he came to Jimin with the keys to their new apartment. Jimin flung himself onto Yoongi. He was so happy, he could barely contain himself. No one had ever really seen Jimin happy until that moment. It was a beautiful thing to see this deprived child finally getting something to look forward to.

Jungkook found Taehyung outside of class looking at the news board. He was staring at one sign in particular: 'Blood Drive'.

"It's about time," he mumbled to himself. "I was thinking I would have to take your blood again."

"You steal blood from blood drives?"

"It's better than killing someone for their blood or taking it from someone I care about."

"I guess."

Taehyung sat in their house drinking from the blood packets he had just stolen. He drank them like a juice box with a straw even. Jungkook watched in awe as he was drinking all the packages. As he continued drinking, his eyes changed colours again. He finished four bags of blood before he was full.

"Are you good now?" Jungkook asked nervously.


"You took that much blood from me? Twice even."

"...I'm sorry."

"I think you owe me."

"How can I pay you back?"

"I can think of a way." Jungkook walked over to Taehuyng and planted a kiss on him.

"Right now?"

"Mhmm." He pulled off Taehyung's shirt.

The next thing Taehuyng knew, Jungkook was already taking off his boxers. Jungkook began to lower his head towards Taehyung's area when the doorbell rang.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" he said angerly. He walked out of the kitchen and answered the door. "Taehyung, you got a package." He tossed the package to him. "No one was even at the door..." When Taehyung opened it, he dropped the box the instant he peered inside. "What's wrong?"

Jungkook went over and picked up the box inside was nothing but a note with a few words on it.

'Kim Taehyung. Vampire. Target Locked.'

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