Chap 11 - Rage Death

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Jungkook bolted from his house, back in the direction of Taehyung's house. 'How did he find your house? How?' Jungkook kept on asking himself several questions, wondering if it truly was Taehyung or not. If it wasn't Taehyung, who else could it possibly be? It was his only choice.

As he approached Taehyung's house, he saw the door ajar. He raced up the steps and busted into Taehyung's house. No lights were on the inside. He walked over to the light switch and turned it on.

"Taehyung?" he called through the house, but there was no response.

He walked through the kitchen and living room with no luck. He went up the stairs. When he reached the top, he could hear here some commotion in the next room.

He continued through the halls pulling out his pocketknife. He wasn't going to let his father get away if he hurt Taehyung. He made his way to the room where the noise was coming from. As he approached, the floor creaked beneath him. The noise in the room stopped.

He saw in front of him, the doorknob jiggle. As the door opened, his father stepped out. Jungkook stood frozen solid in the door frame. He looked slightly behind his father to see where Taehyung was. There he was, laying on the floor with his pants undone, in his room. Jungkook pushed his father out of the way and ran over to Taehyung.

"Are you okay?" As he looked closely at Taehyung, he had tears in his eyes. He turned to his father. "What did you do?"

"So sensitive that little boy is. A couple of touches and he breaks down. You came here too fast. I was about to have some fun with this beautiful boy," he smirked at Jungkook's anger building.

"Why didn't you fight back Taehyung?" Jungkook said as he turned to him. "You could have fought."

Taehyung finally looked up at Jungkook. "I was going to, but he said that if he leaves, you wouldn't be able to survive alone with your mum so ... I gave in."

"You idiot..." He pulled Taehyung up into an embrace.

"How sweet... He truly is your friend, but for some reason, I had sensed that there's more between you two and now I'm sure of it. Jungkook, how could you think of being with another man?" Jungkook ignored him. "You belong only to me!"

"No!" Taehyung yelled at him. "He doesn't belong to you!"

"Shut up you little runt!"

"I won't be quiet anymore. I've kept my peace long enough." Taehyung glared intensely at Jungkook's father. "You are never going to harm him again." Jungkook could feel energy emitting from Taehyung like he had never felt before. "You are never to touch him again." A gust of wind erupted around them. "You are never to think of him again." Taehyung floated to his feet. "You are never to see him again!" Taehyung eyes flashed red and all the wind collected in front of him and then blew at Jungkook's father knocking him off his feet.

Jungkook could only look at Taehyung in awe. Everything around was beginning to shake from this power. The windows in the room shattered.

Jungkook's father shook his head and began to stand again. Taehyung tilted his head and smiled. Jungkook saw fangs growing longer as he smiled. Taehyung walked over to Jungkook's father and stood in front of him. His face was full of fear while Taehyung's face was in bliss.

Taehyung raised his right hand and placed the tips of his fingers on Jungkook's father's chest. He tensed his muscles and his nails grew ten times longer piecing him in five different spots. He raised his left leg and kicked Jungkook's father out of his room with so much force that he toppled over the railing and fell to the main floor.

Taehyung turned around to Jungkook and walked towards him. He was smiling with his nails still elongated, dripping in his father's blood.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook whispered through his fear.

Taehyung stopped in his tracks and blinked. His expression of insanity fade away into confusion. His nails retreated back to normal and his teeth as well.

"Jungkook?" He raised his hand and saw blood covering it. "Did I...?" He wasn't able to finish his sentence as he collapsed.

Jungkook rushed over to Taehyung. He looked down at Taehyung's now peaceful face. 'What was that?' Jungkook looked out the door to see the broken banister. The broken wood had stains of blood on them. He got up and slowly walked over to the edge. When he looked over, he saw his father dead on the floor below.

"Goodbye, you bastard."

When Taehyung finally woke up, there were sirens all around. He realized something was holding onto him, when he looked up, he saw Jungkook looking back down at him. He smiled to Taehyung.

"Did I kill him?" Taehyung asked, blood dripping from his fingers.

"Yes," Jungkook replied back.

"I don't even remember doing it," Taehyung said. Try as he may, he just could not remember the attack.

"That's a good thing," Jungkook told him.

A police officer walked over to them. Taehyung recognized him.

"It's you! You were here last time when my parents were murdered."

"Glad to see you still remember me. Are you two all right?" the officer asked,

"We're fine," said Jungkook.

"How did he die?" Both Jungkook and Taehyung remained silent. "He was the one who broke into your house. Of course, you'd attack him. He was the one at fault. I just want to know."

"I killed him," said Taehyung. "He abused Jungkook a lot and also ... raped him." Jungkook shivered at the words. "He broke into my house because I'm Jungkook's friend. He was going to kill me, so I killed him first."

The police officer was surprised by his story. "Why didn't you come to the police sooner about him?" he asked Jungkook.

"My mum and I don't have enough money to live on our own. I gave up myself so my mum could have a life. Besides, he's a respected person. Not many would believe a teenager over him."

"I'm sorry to hear this. But I believe both you. I can't charge you with anything since he broke into your house. It's not your fault for his rash decision. But ... now, what will you and your mother do?"

"I don't know..." Jungkook looked down to the floor in sadness.

"Does she have enough for just herself or just for you?"

"I think she might."

"Then, live with Taehyung and she can survive on the money she has. Do you mind him living with you Taehyung?"

"Of course not!" Taehyung yelled out.

"I don't want to be a burden to you, Taehyung," Jungkook said.

"It's not a burden at all! If you don't do this, your mum will be even more burdened than anyone."

"Thanks, Taehyung."

"Now that that's decided, we'll clean up your house and you'll be able to go back in a day. Do you two have anywhere to stay."

"Yes, we can stay with a friend of mine," said Jungkook.

"All right then, I'll give you a lift. On the way, you can call your mother and tell her your plans. She already knows the condition of her husband. She doesn't need to know the details of his death if you don't want to tell her."

"Thanks." Jungkook as he got inside the cop's car with Taehyung.

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