Chap 5 - Dream

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"Taehyung run!" A woman's voice echoed through the darkness of Taehyung's mind.

"Mummy! Don't hurt her!" Taehyung yelled out to the hooded figure. He didn't listen to the boys shouts as he plunged a dagger into his mother's chest.

"Run...," was the last word uttered by her.

The hooded man turned his attention to the crying boy. On instinct, the boy grabbed his pocket knife and stabbed the murderer in his arm. He dropped the dagger and Taehyung stabbed him again. Over and over, the boy sunk the knife into the hooded man until he wasn't moving anymore.

Taehyung ran from his house. Outside, he could hear sirens from the police and ambulances on their way, but it was already too late. Everyone he cared for was dead. Nothing they did could bring them back to hold him.

He curled up into a ball on the sidewalk and cried until he felt a pat on the shoulder. When he looked up, he saw a police officer standing over him.

"I'm sorry about your loss. Do you have anywhere to stay?" Taehyung shook his head. "Any friends?" Taehyung paused. Would his friends take him in? He nodded his head and the police officer smiled gently. "What's the phone number?"

Taehyung told him the number and before he knew it he was inside his friend—Ravi's house. Though Taehyung was younger than Ravi, they played together a lot because both of their fathers worked for the same company. Ravi was already in tears when Taehyung arrived. The instant he stepped through the door Ravi hugged him.

"Can I stay with you?" asked Taehyung softly.

"Of course!"

So the days went on as Taehyung began to enjoy life again. Ravi was always so kind to him and so were his parents. Taehyung began to play the saxophone and Ravi would listen.

Everything was starting to look better until Ravi's father got a promotion and was forced to move away. Taehyung wanted to stay with Ravi so much, but didn't want to be a further burden to his family. At the airport gates, they parted forever.

Taehyung went back to living in his old house. It was painful at first to see his parent's bedroom and everything reminded him of them. As time past, he began to grow a resistance to the pain and he went to school with his saxophone and played for hours.

He was entered into so many competitions. Taehyung thought this was unbelievable. He never thought that he would win anything in his life, but he always won awards for his saxophone. He began to get a lot of attention and for high school, he entered an all-boys school. It was a hard school to get into, but his music got him in in an instant.

He had no friends at this new school, but the teachers instantly saw his talent in music and took no time in entering him into a concert.

At the concert, many people had come to watch a member of their family play. He was the only exception. As he was playing, he looked out into the audience and saw so many people staring back at him. He scanned the room looking for the possibility of his parents or even Ravi, but no had come for him.

After his number, he went backstage and received flowers for his participation. Many people congratulated him on his accomplishments and gave him pats on the back. One person on the other hand said something completely different.

"Are you playing the saxophone for your parents?" asked the tall man. He was quite pale and had brown clean hair. He was rather beautiful and Taehyung could only stare at this wonder in front of him he glowed like the sun. "Do you miss them still?"

Taehyung still could not respond.

"I too have lost many people. Don't let it run your life." With that, the man turned away.

"Wait!" Taehyung called after him. "Who are you?"

"I am someone who no one knows the name of," he said smiling. He could see Taehyung's instant fascination with him. "Please return to those people. They may think I'm up to no good."

"What are you talking about?"

"Not many people think it is a wise choice to leave a child with a stranger." He patted Taehyung on the head.


"Run along now."

Taehyung watched as the man left backstage. He had so many questions racing through his head. He wanted to know a lot more about this man.

Things weren't so great at school. Some people were jealous at the fact that Taehyung got into the school with playing a saxophone. Some of them worked extremely hard to earn the grades to enter. He was constantly getting bullied, but he didn't really care that much.

One day, Taehyung was grabbed by the usual people who bothered him. They kept hitting him and hitting him. Taehyung could feel him slipping in and out of consciousness. When he opened his eyes, he saw one of the guys picking up a rock. He walked over to Taehyung and grabbed his hand. "Enjoy trying to play the saxophone now," he said as he smashed the rock down onto his fingers.

The pain overwhelmed Taehyung. He felt all his fingers break in an instant. Everything in his mind began to go blank. What felt like seconds later, he was shaken awake by someone. When Taehyung opened his eyes he saw the same man who was at his concert.

"Your fingers are beyond repair. No hospital could fix the damage. You won't be playing the saxophone again. Do you still want to play it?" Taehyung nodded his head with all the might he could muster. "All right then. I'll grant your wish."

He felt pain going through his neck as the man bit him. What was this man doing? He could feel his blood beginning to boil as some of it what sucked out of him. He wanted the man to stop but he couldn't move a muscle.

Taehyung awoke with a fright back at his house.

The Bloodlust Of The Vampire Devil (VKook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora