Chap 1 - Bullies

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A school for all boys was such a boring thing. Every guy in the school wished that a girl would occasionally stop by their school, but the only girls they would get were mothers dropping off their sons. Jeon Jungkook got out of his father's car and looked at his school.

"How boring," he said and then sighed. He swung his backpack over his shoulder and walked up the familiar path he had been walking on for over a year now.

While he walked, he saw the same people in the same spots. Most people, however, stopped their conversations to look at Jungkook as he walked by. Jungkook was one of the leaders of his school though he did not even ask for it. His friends were to blame.

Namjoon was a rich boy who got whatever he wanted. Even though he had all that money, he was taught strictly to never give away any of his money, not even to his friends. He was also really smart and had skipped 2 grades already.

Yoongi was a somewhat of a bully at school, but outside of school, he had girls constantly around him. Even though there were all those girls around him, one boy was pretty much glued to his leg. Jimin was quite mysterious. He never really spoke to any of them but Yoongi. Jungkook often wondered if they were in that kind of relationship, but Jimin was just connected badly to Yoongi.

Yoongi's father had an affair with Jimin's mother when they were both very little. When Jimin's mother died, Yoongi's father took him. Yoongi's mother often took out her anger on Jimin since he resembled his mother so much. Jimin became almost mute after the constant abuse. Yoongi eventually began protecting Jimin against his mother, soon against everything. Jimin was really grateful towards Yoongi and has stuck with him ever since.

He met up with his friends as they welcomed Jungkook with one-armed hugs as they entered the school. Jungkook was happy that he had friends or he may have just gone crazy being kept inside this school. His friends had heard several times about Jungkook's complaints and always tried to make the day more interesting than the one that had passed.

"How about we go off campus and get lunch today?" asked Namjoon.

"I didn't bring any money," Jungkook said sadly. He would have really liked to go out for lunch.

"That's not a problem. I didn't bring any money either." Yoongi smiled and leaned in closer to Jungkook. "We can always get it from another student."


"Oh come on! We've done it before. Besides, I don't think he even cares what we do."

"Just because we've done it before, doesn't make the ones to come more pleasant." Jungkook looked at Yoongi's face and then decided. "Fine, let's go ... but you gotta do it this time."

"Fine by me."

Though Jungkook wanted the money to make his day go a little better, he didn't really want to bully someone. Making another person's day worse wasn't exactly the best method, but there were a couple students at their school who were strange. Some of them acted as if they were Jungkook's best friend and gladly gave him the money. Others were the weak ones and easy to pick on. They were constantly getting beaten up at school by everyone.

The group walked up to a boy sitting all alone in the corner of the classroom during the break. He was a rather pale student. He was looking out the window at a bird feeding its babies.

"Hey, Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi put one hand on Taehyung's shoulder and lowered himself in front of his face to get his attention away from the birds. "I need a favour. Can we have about $50?" Taehyung remained silent as he stared into Yoongi's eyes. "I know you have at least that. I know your family's richer than most."

Taehyung tilted his head to look back at the birds. Yoongi gripped Taehyungs shoulder really tightly, making him wince under the pain. He continuously ignored Yoongi, making the pain on his shoulder even more intense.

"Just give us the money and we'll leave you alone with your birds."

Taehyung glanced at Yoongi and went for his backpack. He pulled out a 5 cents and handed it over to Yoongi.

"That's all you deserve," Taehyung said as he closed his bag.

Yoongi made a fist and slammed it across Taehyung's face.

"You may want to get a little bit more than that before I decide to hit you again."

The commotion happening in the area brought attention to them but no one dared to stop the princes of the school. Some of them hoped for Yoongi to hit Taehyung again. None of them liked Taehyung; he was a loner in the school.

"I just gave you everything." Yoongi hit Taehyung again. "Fine then," he mumbled as Yoongi made a fist for the fourth time. Taehyung opened his bag once again and pulled out two twenties and a ten. He handed it over to Yoongi. The group left the classroom leaving Taehyung to return to his birds—ignoring his bleeding lip.

"He's so weird," Jungkook blurted out when they were out of the classroom.

"All the more reasons to pick on him. Maybe he needs a few hits in the head to become sane again," said Yoongi as Jimin leaned his head on his shoulder, trying to walk at the same time.

Jungkook smirked as they left the school grounds and went out for lunch. He kept thinking about the pale boy sitting in front of the classroom window without a care in the world. Jungkook found Taehyung very intriguing. He had never met anyone like that before.

When they were back at school, the group split up to go to their separate classes. They were already twenty minutes late, making the halls empty. On the way to his science class, Jungkook saw a boy standing in front of a window.

"Don't you have class?" Jungkook asked the guy. The boy jumped at the sudden sound from behind him. He slowly turned around to face Jungkook. "Taehyung??"

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