Chp. 51 "Hard Work"

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“Up for a little training?”

I knew he meant well, and although I wasn’t really feeling it, I knew I needed it. Also, I guess he figured it would get my mind off of Avery and how she was getting worse with every minute that passed. I glanced down the hallway and then at the elevator, silently debating if I should.

And decided I would.

~ ~ ~ ~

I raked my hand through my matted, dark hair, taking a sip from my cup of coffee. I had drank four cups so far and the more I stayed up the more I tried to solve exactly how I was going to do this. General Pearce wanted Andrea, and as much as I believed Andrea was dangerous, I believed it was more dangerous for the government to get their hands on her.

So what was I to do?

I was torn, completely being pulled in two different directions between what was wanted of me as a worker and what was needed of me as a human being. It was either capture Andrea and turn her into the Feds, potentially setting off the biggest war between the United States and everyone, or refuse and risk my job and possibly my life.

I stared down at the file in front of me, tracing my finger over my hard wooden desk. I glanced at the clock that read 3:25 AM in bright red letters, letting me know my next work day would start in less than five hours.

I hadn’t realized how stressful this case would’ve turned out to be.

I had one simple task; to eliminate Andrea Mason. I went, I found, and I attempted to kill, and to my extreme surprise she had healed right in front of my eyes. I had been completely caught off guard, and not to mention how Vince had been shot right between the eyes right in front of me and Andrea.

The look in her eyes was pure terror.

This girl was no older than 18, she was still a kid, and she had no idea what she was getting herself involved in. And I knew she had realized that the other night. Now she was being hunted by the government, the part of the government people tried to avoid rather than find.

And here I was, debating on whether or not I should help them find her and use her.

Where had I gone wrong? When did I start working for the people I vowed all my life I would never work for? The people who were only trying to better themselves rather than the country?

And what was I going to do about it?

The frustration was building up inside of me, and the more I sat here the more I felt completely stuck in this situation I had no idea how to get out of. I knew Sullivan was not onboard with the Defense Department, along with most of the Investigative Department. Why did I have to find out Andrea Mason existed? And why did I tell Sullivan in the first place? Now I was volunteered to go out and capture this girl, and I had absolutely no intention to do that.

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