Bitty! SF sans x reader

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There was no hesitation in your stride as you got off the bus, immediately taking a right and weaving through the slight dawdling crowds on the street. Your ear phones, which you were wearing since you left home, we're still not playing any music, but you've been too caught up in your own thoughts to even realise.

You weren't really one for making plans, but for once you had a clear goal in mind: today you were adopting a bitty.

The whole idea never really appealed to you, no matter how cool they looked, in the end they were just too much responsibility. The ads on the TV made them look childish, bouncing around and always smiling wide, like some sort of cuddly kids show brought to life.

That was what you thought anyway, but right after your best friend got a bitty of their own those thoughts were quickly abandoned. He was a 'lil bro' type, they told you, but he preferred to go by Stretch.
He was very chilled, giving you a lazy wave as he laid along your buddies shoulder. Reasonably friendly, largely independent, outgoing, and to be perfectly honest you were inclined to believe he was even smarter then you. 

Long story short he won you over after the first finger-guned pun, and after a week of mulling it over you finally caved.

The door of the bitty centre chimed as you made your way through, eyes already drawn to an orange clad bundle of bones near the shelves, where a mass of lil bro's decided was the perfect spot to nap.

You grinned at the sight. You definetly made the right choice in companion- but you weren't the only person choosing. Unbeknown to you, a pair of small, wonder-filled eyes have been stuck on your form the second you entered the store.

"Morning! Can I help you today?"
You must have paused just long enough for the worker to make her way over, smile almost as bright as her lipstick.

"Yeah, I'm actually looking to adopt a bitty?" you left it as a question, having not really looked into the actual adoption process yourself, but she didn't falter for a moment.

"How exciting! Do you want to take our quick companion survey to find the bitty perfect for you?"
She was already looking through the papers on her clipboard but you were quick to dismiss the idea, already knowing exactly what you wanted, but a bellowing yell of a voice cut you short.


You looked up, spotting a bitty to your side that wasn't there a moment ago, standing proudly just a self above your eye level. He was rather small, even with his chunky boots, donned in black and pointed spikes apart from the blood-red bandanna tried around his neck.

His fists rested on his hips, chest swelled with an air of bratty authority as he waited for you to be impressed.

You and the worker were both seperetly surprised.

"...wait, what?"
His posture notcibly deflated at your confusion, but seeing as his scene began to draw in a crowd of curious little sockets, he wasn't put off for long.

"YOU. ARE. MY. HUMAN" he specified for you, now grinning as if he was granting you a metal of honour. You were still just as lost.

"Hold up bud, I've never even met you before?"
You looked to the worker for help, but she was still staring, clearly astonished (or maybe just as confused as you were), at the skeleton's bold declaration.

Said skeleton waved away your words with a dismissive, gloved hand, before crossing his arms decisivly.
"No matter, you are still my human"

He took two steps back before taking a leap off the shelf, giving no warning or hesitation. That took you of guard,  jerking backwards between surprise and the unthinking need to catch him, but with a slight tumble of a landing he managed to cling to the edge of your sleeve. If his grip wasn't so strong he would have surely fell completely, but after a effortless climb he now stood next to the side of your head, posing victoriously on your shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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