Favourite cuddles

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S/O Imagines with the UT, US, UF and SF skelly bros

UT sans-
Sans, being the lazy skeleton he is, always loves to cuddle nap with you, even if he's the only one napping. You could just be sitting down, minding your own business, and sans will just end up curled into your side or leaning against you- dosen't really matter he can sleep anywhere- it might be because of the warm, soft squishiness of your skin or the comforting hum of your heartbeat, but any sort of cuddles almost always turns into a nap for your lazy skelly.

UT Papyrus-
Pap's favourite is definitely a greeting hug, even if you've seen him just yesterday or maybe even less then an hour ago, he will bound over and immediently bundle you up in his arms. Because of his height he quite literally sweeps you off your feet and, depending on how long it's been or if you look like you need a cheer up, he's happy to spin you around until you giggle for him to stop.

UF Sans-
Red's favourite cuddles will probably be somewhere secluded and safe, like his bed or the lounge, where he can let his more mushy side show a bit. He loves it when your legs are tangled up in his and you're both wrapped up as close as you can to the other. He will always put himself towards the door though, keeping you safe between him and the wall/back of the lounge, like sans he likes to hear the comforting sound of your heartbeat.

UF Papyrus-
Edge dosen't like to be seen as lazy or overly affectionate by others, so his favourite hugs are usually when he does allow himself to relax at home, sitting on the lounge reading a book or watching MTT with you by his side. He will usually wrap an arm around you, making you lean against him, and if he's feeling partially cuddly, will fully lean back, bringing you with him so he can hold you against his chest- but that always stops quickly if red happens to walk by.

US sans-
Blue is a glomper. When he hugs you it usually needs a run up first and often has no warning at all- you have been tackled to the ground in a hug many times. It happens pretty often too, a hello hug, a see you later hug, a you walked back into the room hug, seriously any reason will do- he is never holding back on a hug. Its a big bear hug too, like he's trying to physically squeeze all his affections into you.

US Papyrus-
Stretch's favourite hug, although he is pretty lazy, is actually a casual standing-up cuddle. If your cooking or washing up or just standing around talking, he will often walk up behind you and just wrap his arms around your waist. He's the perfect height to rest his chin on the top of your head and he loves it. They're usually quiet, not acknowledged more then you leaning back or resting your hands on top of his, and you two usually just stay there for a bit, doing whatever you were doing, enjoying each other's presence.

SF Sans-
Blackberry is pretty varied when it comes to PDA, a cross between not wanting to be seen as affectionate but more then ready to show the present company that you are his if he feels like he needs to for ANY reason at all. Cuddles are spontaneous decisions you don't have much control over alot of the time, he will often drag you to the lounge and lean up against you, his favourites are when he sits you cuddled in his lap in a bear hug, don't even think about leaving either- when he deems it time for a cuddle he can be quite clingy.

SF Papyrus-
Mutt lives for your affection. Seriously. He will wrap around you given any opportunity, especially if you initiate it first. Quick hugs goodbye are nearly impossible because once he haves you in his arms it gets hard to leave. His favourites are when he has time to snuggle up against you, usually bed time when he knows he can stay like this for literally hours. Expect plenty of nuzzles into the crook of your neck too, if you do them back he will basically melt.

A/N- Hey readers
I decided to just add little imagines and scenarios to the one shots as well cause I like them too and I didn't want to make another book, hope you don't mind
feel free to request one of these too if you want and which characters :3 i'll give it a go

Thanks for reading!

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