Mafia Grillby x reader

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( AU Grillby needs more love )

"Dammit!" you cursed under your breath as you nearly tripped over your own feet, again. Every crack and bump in the pavement looking even more prominent in your rush to get away.

It was late in the afternoon, with plenty of people still bustling around the street. Busy elbows jabbing into you as you pushed through the crowds.

"Hey, watch it!" a particular grouchy old man yelled at you, but you wasted no time with an apology. Not when they were so close!
Only you would be this unlucky, walking in on a dealing for one of the most hated mafia gangs in the state.

You just saw one too many people, with definitely a few too many guns- and that was just what they had with them, you don't even want to think about those suspicious looking crates...

Needless to say, you had to be 'taken care of'.

You were surprised you made it this far, but you knew you couldn't go much further. You needed somewhere to hide.

You frantically looked around, where should you hide? where could you hide?? You needed somewhere they wouldn't find-
"There! I see her!"

Panicked, you ditched your thoughts and just ran into the first door you saw, hastily shutting it behind you before the bell could even stopped ringing your arrival.

But after getting a quick glance at your new surroundings, you immediately regretted your rushed decision.

The bar was filled with monsters, which would make the average human feel a little nervous anyway, but it made your heart drop. You needed to blend in, and being the only human in the room you might as well have walked into a death sentence.

It didn't help that every set of eyes were trained on your panting, fear-stricken form. Even the bartender, a monster of literal fire, was staring with an unreadable expression- and you weren't even sure if he had eyes! although he did have glasses...

Snapping out of your train of thought you turned to leave, they would find you here in a second , but you were too late as you saw the group of suits, vividly searching the crowds just outside the door.

"Where did she go??"
"I don't know boss"
"Well check everywhere!"

You didn't realise you were walking backwards until you bumped into something. Turning around with a jump you saw that you hit the broad chest of the fire bartender who was making his way towards you.

You stared up at him.

For a second you two just shared a gaze, his emotionless and reserved, but your watery eyes silently begging him for help. You were trapped, and helpless, and you knew it too.

Before an actual plea could leave your lips he firmly grabbed your arm without hesitation, and dragged you behind the counter.

You stayed crouched, knees held up to your chest. Your vision was blocked by the worn, polished wood of the bar and his firm legs that diligently guarded you from sight.

"...stay quiet..." His steady voice instructed. The soft crackle of fire in his tone almost calmed your racing heart, making you feel weirdly trusting of your burning saviour.
But the sudden ring of the door chime was quick to strike you with fear all over again and you cupped your mouth to silence your ragged breathing.


Grillby watched as two human men strutted into his bar. Gun handles purposely sticking out from under their suit jackets, but he wasn't one to be intimidated.

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