UF Bitty sans x reader

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Edgy sat with his arms crossed sulking by himself in one of the gross old plastic chairs of the dentist waiting room. His human's parent sat next to him reading one of those boring magazines.

He got a few stink eyes from other humans coming in for taking up a whole chair by himself, but he just flipped them off, and a snarl showing off his sharp teeth was more than enough to get them to back off. Like hell he was sitting on your parent's shoulder, they weren't his human!

He was bored out of his brain, you had been called in a few minutes ago and forgot to leave him your phone, but edgy wasn't about to complain after he fought the whole week for you to take him with you. You were nervous, down right scared of the dentist, and whatever these 'braces' you were getting it had made you anxious all damn week.

Like hell edgy would let you go alone.

He was pretty upset they wouldn't let him come in with you, apparently he was lucky enough to be allowed to sit in the waiting room. heh, sooo lucky.

Still, you were only the next room away, he saw you walk in and you were close enough he could feel the drumming of your soul, a bit offbeat cause of your nerves but you were fine.

...You were fine, he could feel it, you were ok, and thats what kept him quiet in the chair.

!!!- He hitched his breath, hand grabbing at his chest where his own soul stayed, trying to focus on yours. It was faint but for a second he thought you were in pain... he waited a minute but nothing happened.

See you were fine- AHH!
His eye socket erupted in red. Not fine. Not. Fine. That was DEFINITELY pain. What the hell was going on in there!
He teleported to the door's thick handle, looking out from the glass trying to see into your room, not hearing your parent call him back, he could see the door you went through but he couldn't see you, Dammit!

Large hands wrapped around him in a strong grip carrying him away from the door, and he yelled out trying to escape.
"You have to stay put or they'll kick you out" you parent scolded but he wasn't listening
"NO! let me go they're hurting!"
"Keep quiet they'll be fine"

Enough of this you needed him-
Your parent gave a yell when his teeth bit down on their vice grip, not relenting until he could taste blood, and suddently he was dropped- but didn't even touch the floor, already scaring the receptionist into a shrill scream when he jumped on her desk in a flash of violent red light.
He jumped off and ran straight for the hallway, teleporting to the open window above your door, not paying attention to the commotion behind him all he focused on was you.

This looked like one of his nightmares.

You were in a chair, laid back and vulnerable as some old guy stuck his fingers in your mouth, forcing your jaw open wider. He could see metal attached to your teeth, and beside you was a table filled with sharp, glistening silver tools like some sort of sick torture equipment he saw in a movie once. You didn't see him, eyes shut tight and- wait was that a tear?!

He made you cry. That bastard made you cry. He was going to. end. him.

Another shock of pain waved through your soul as the old man came at you with a sharp hook and that was more then enough for edgey to throw himself out the window and shortcut on your lap protectively in a red blast of pure fury.


Edgy had never felt more angry in his life, completely surrounding you with sharp bones and gaster blasters poised and ready, he'd like to see someone even try to get to you now!

The old man was so shocked he jumped back, hitting the table and falling to the ground.
"STAY DOWN! DONT FUCKIN' MOVE!!" He snarled at your attacker

The door burst open showing the frightened secretary and your parent holding a bleeding hand and glaring down at Edgy. They looked absolutely livid.
Edgy didn't care, only two thoughts on his mind- you were hurt and he needed to protect.

"...Edgy?" your voice was kinda muffled, it must be that wire they were sticking into your teeth.
What the hell did they do to you?!

"don't worry (y/n) I got you" his voice was soft and reassuring but his eyes glared down at the rest of the room, ready to tear anything apart that made a move towards you.
But not even your parent dared move an inch.

"edgy I'm ok, I'm fine really"
you tried to wrap your hands around him, but he resisted, he needed to keep you safe!
"You're sure as hell not fine! I could sense your pain from out there!"

"I knew it was going to hurt, I just have to deal with it-"

"No you dont! I got you, lets just get outta here!"

"seriously, c'mon what are you waiting for!?"

"Edgy" your voice was soft, but firm enough to draw his attention from the surrendered man on the floor.

You had a small smile in your face.
"It hurts, but I'll be fine. I promise"

"...but! he, he was- with the sharp things!-" Edgy was at a loss, weren't you in pain??

At your light chuckle the bones and blasters dissipated, and instead a red dusted at his cheeks...

You scooped him up and placed a light kiss on his skull as best you could, causing the red on his face to turn into a glow.
"thanks for caring... but maybe you and (parent) should wait for me in the car?ill text you when I'm done"

Edgy didn't want to leave you, but between your smile and the angry glare from the other side of the room, he guessed you were probably right, and that he didn't have much of a choice...

Later that evening you were sulking on the lounge with throbbing teeth, edgy rested close in the crook of your neck- which he refused to leave the second you came out of that room, amping up his normal protectiveness to 2000%.

"love you edgy~"
He huffed and snuggled deeper into the warmth of your neck

"... I love ya too"

A/N- shout out to everyone that had to have braces, they hurt

Anyway I wanted to do some undertale one-shots for a while and I got a ton of ideas so I hope you enjoy~

Thanks for reading!

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