UF sans x reader x UF grillby

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Polyamorous relationships were actually quite common in underfell. In a kill or be killed world it comes as no surprise that monsters formed stronger packs when it came to being closer with someone romantically.

Sans and Grillby walked briskly to their destination, leaving deep, and in one case, melted tracks in the surrounding snow.
Where were they going? well it was of no secret to anyone that the second either monster laid eyes on your sweet smile they were completely and utterly taken with you.

I mean what wasn't there to love? you had the sweetest soul they're ever seen, especially in a hell hole such as this, which made you a damn miracle.
You were smart, funny, and by stars were you gorgeous.

You were just perfection in their eyes, and they figured it was about time they let you know, before some other monster tried to snatch you up... not that they would let that happen ofcourse.

At first the competition for your affection was particularly cut-throat against the two, but once it was more then clear the other would not back off (no matter what they tried) they then came to a mutual understanding.
Besides, with BOTH of them by your sides nothing was going to happen to you, which was their top priority.

Now at your front door, sans gave three loud knocks, somewhat obnoxiously to mask his rising nerves, and waited.

no response

Sharing a look, sans knocked again, louder and clearer...

Your muffled voice rang out from the other side of the door and the pair let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.
heh, already so protective.

With a click of a lock the door opened to reveal your smaller form, but they were surprised to not be met with your usual smile.
Instead you were slightly hunched over, your eyes half lidded and eyebrows scrunched in a pained grimace.

"...oh hey guys, sorry I'm not really up for a visit I feel horrible" Your croaky voice was cut short by a fierce cough that shook your shoulders. 

You were sick.
Monsters don't often get sick, but when they do it's a bad sign. 
Being sick means you're vulnerable- and down here thats more then dangerous.
Just the sight of your groaning, shaking, sniffing form made their souls tighten in agony.

You were about to close the door, wanting to hide away from the rest of the day on the comfort of your lounge, but grillby's foot was quick to jam the door and hastily they both made their way inside against your protests and locked the door behind them.
Sans' hand immediently found its way to your forehead.
"damn, sweetheart you're burning up!"

"what really? but i feel so cold" you whined, hugging your sides and just accepting the fate of your forced visitors, you were too sick to fight back and honestly you were glad to see them.

You were always glad to see them, you had the biggest crush on the two, not that you had the guts to tell either of them, Grillby was just so charming and sans was always the first one to make you smile after a rough day... and now they get to see you all gross and sick, just great good going (y/n).

"You're cold?? but, i- i dont-" he looked to grillby worryingly, who in turn put his own hand across your forehead, and you instantly lent into the warmth.

"Sans get them to bed, i'll make some sea-tea" with a shared decisive nod he went straight into your kitchen.

"what? no, you don't have to- ahh!"
Sans cut you short as he swiftly picked you up as if you were made of air, holding you bridal-style against his chest and went up the stairs towards your room.

"sans what are you doing??"

"c'mon babe, you heard the man- we gotta get you ta' bed" eye glowing red he used his magic to open your door wide and move the blankets up, wasting to time as he put you to bed, covering you uncharacteristically gently with your blankets.

He sat beside you, carful not to move the bed to much, and brushed your hair out of your eyes, tucking the loose strands behind your ear, phalanges lingering fondly at the side of your face.

...well lucky your fever gave a blush to your cheeks because they would be burning anyway by now.

"are ya hurting? how do ya feel doll?"

"i-i'm fine, just a headache and a fever really, you guys don't have to go to all this effort..." even though you were absolutely loving it.

He gave you a smile
"o'course we do sweetheart"

Those pet names were going to be the end of you.

Grillby came through the door, a hastiness in his usual calm steps that you haven't seen before as he made his way to the other side of your bed, steaming tea in hand.

You sat up a bit as he offered you the tea, wow that smelt amazing. You gladly took a sip, immediently feeling the soothing healing against your sore throat.
"mmmm, thanks Grillby, you really didn't have to"

"ofcourse I did love, anything for you"

wow, these guys are really showing their charm today, you don't think your poor face can take this much blushing at once.

"are you still cold? are the blanket's too hot?"
you don't think you've ever seen such concern in their faces before.

Your fever flushed and still you were shivering, huddling deeper into the blankets and sans gently took your tea and placed it waiting on the bed side table.

"...both?" you groaned, feeling pretty miserable with your current condition despite the extra attention.

Grillby smirked, "well we can fix that"

In one swift movement he was laying on top of the blankets beside you , one arm wrapped around your waist, and oh stars he was so warm.

A deep chuckle, "we sure can"
Next a skeleton arm was around you from the other, sans' cool bones soothing against your heated skin.

You honestly didn't have time to be flustered, after a long day of moping around you finally felt comfortable, and that sea-tea was so nice you were just... about.... ready to...

The boys shared a smile at your sleeping figure, safe and secure within their arms. Seeing you so peaceful warmed their souls and they couldn't help but each land a gentle kiss on the side of your forehead.

They can ask you on that date after they get you feeling better.

You were most definitely worth waiting for.

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