US Papyrus x scared! reader

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You jump as the actress screams, trying to ignore how Papyrus chuckles at your reaction from across the lounge.

Today was pretty boring and dull, thanks to all the grey clouds that littered the sky. So you decided to come over to the skelehouse to hang out, and since Sans was off training with Alphys, Papyrus had suggested you two watch a movie.

- "I've been waiting to watch this one for ages" he explained as he went digging through their rather impressive CD collection, and you take a moment to appreciate the subtle excitement in his voice that you don't often get to hear from him. Papyrus has a reputation for always being so perfectly calm and collected, which is only highlighted by his brother's hyper personality, and you absolutely relished the genuine smile he threw your way.

He finally finds what he's looking for and shows you with that same eager smile, only you're now far too focused on the dread that started sinking into your stomach at the cover's intense, murderous eyes of a clown that bore into your own.

"Heh, Sans' never really been one for horror movies"
You were internally screaming because you knew- neither were you!

Papyrus must have noticed your hesitance as he lifts a brow, that smile you loved so much already sinking from his face.
"This is alright, isn't it hon?"

The butterflies he gave you at the pet name seemed to loosen up the dread, and you knew it wasn't much of a choice- you could never refuse that sweet skeleton. You quickly nodded to brush away his doubt, more then happy to just spend some the time with him. Surely you can tough it out for one movie, right?

-the movie was only half an hour in and you weren't sure how much more you could take. There you were, hugging your knees to your chest, half hiding yourself from the screen, and trying your best not cry out at every unexpected jump-scare. Good God, Papyrus was lucky you like him so damn much.

"I'm going to get yooou~" you cringed as the evil clown came into view, and you knew you would be seeing him again in your nightmares tonight (if you managed to sleep at all that is). The tension was building, the eerie music creeping up made your skin crawl as he stalked closer and closer to his hysterical victims, your eyes widened in horror, heart beating faster, his axe raised ready to strike and-

The room was plunged into darkness.

"AHHHHHH!" you screamed out, nearly falling off the lounge in your fear but skeletal hands were quick to hold you steady.

"Woah, hey, It's alright" Papyrus reassured, a hint of humour still in his voice.
"What happened to the lights! Papyrus, this isn't funny!" you stressed, tears welling up in your eyes with that clowns crooked grin still fresh in your mind.

"Must be a power out, they'll come back on soon enough" he answered, as calm as always. His arms were still holding onto yours even though you were no longer at risk of falling, not that your fearful grip would let him go anytime soon regardless.

You gave a watery sniff as the tears threatened to fall, and Papyrus' amused grin was quick to turn into one of concern when he felt your shaking.
"You okay honey?" his gentle tone was all it took before you began to cry and he wasted no time before he pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you in a comforting embrace.

"It's okay, you're safe. I'm here" his soothing voice rang out in the darkness as you curled up into his chest.

"There's nothing here in the dark that wasn't there in the light, I promise" You can hear the slight grin in his voice and you cant help but feel embarrassed at your own, childish fear.
"w-weren't you ever s-scared of the dark?" you question, words breaking with each hiccup that caught in your throat.

Papyrus just shakes his head with a slight chuckle, "Nah, not really. It's hard to be scared of the dark when your eyes glow"

You look up, and sure enough two orange eye-lights are looking down at you tenderly, casting a subtle glow that gently coated his figure. You've never seen them in the dark before.

His eyes really were so beautiful.

"...oh, right. heh" you give an embarrassed smile as you try, and fail, to wipe away the streaks on your face. "I wished I had magic eyes"

"I don't know about that," Papyrus lifts a hand to join yours as he carefully dries your eyes, letting his fingers run slowly through your hair as he holds your stare, eyes filled with adoration as he looks down at you. The slight pink of your cheeks were only highlighted by the casted glow of his magic, and he loved the way it brushed over every delicate feature of your skin. The water still coating your eyes making them all but sparkle in the darkness around you.

"they look pretty magical to me"

You no longer felt afraid, your mind only focusing on the soft, beautiful orange of his eyes and the way he held you close. So very close. You could feel the warmth of his breath against your skin, and you didn't even realise you were both leaning in until your lips met.
The hard surface of his teeth moved slowly against your mouth, cherishing the taste as it stretched the moment on longer. The hand resting at the back of your head drew you in further, deepening the kiss and you happily obliged. You lifted your arms to slide around his neck, fingers running over the soft, worn fabric of his hoodie, and the only thought running through your mind was just how perfect this felt right now.

All at once the lights flickered back on around you, but you paid them no mind as you both slowly broke apart. Neither of you made a move to leave the other's embrace, both too focused on the other as you just took a moment to breath. His half lidded eyes gently searching your own.

The TV turned back on, and the movie's menu waited expectantly on the screen but Papyrus was quick to turn it back off.

"You don't want to finish the movie?" you questioned, not really caring in the slightest.

Papyrus' grip tightened around your waist as he rested his forehead against yours, a small, genuine smile making its way onto his face under the slight orange dust on his cheeks.
"If you don't mind, I'll much rather finish that kiss"

You didn't mind at all.

A/N- Hey readers I'm back!

...I had this one done for a while I must have forgotten to post it...
Just some quick romance with the lovely stretch to get back into the hang of things~
Thanks to everyone that voted on the poll in my other book, I really appreciate your opinion and I'll start posting some new stories once I get a few chapters done so keep an eye out for them!
Let me know if you guys liked this one, I feel like I might add more to it later I don't know.

Thanks for reading!

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