Chapter 49

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"Just remember, like I said before, I'm not bailing you out of jail." I tell her.

"Please, you couldn't last a day without me." She chuckles.

"Yeah I could." I shrug.

"Wanna bet?" She asks.

"I dunno, what does it involve?"

"Me getting arrested and I see how long it takes you to bail me out." She says like it's the best idea in the world.

"You're not getting arrested! How do you think El will react?"

"She won't know because you'd already have bailed me out." She says and looks at her fingernails.

"What makes you so sure I would?" I challenge.

"Well, two reasons actually, the first being that you'll be bored as shit without me, and the second, who'll threaten to chop your boyfriends balls off if he plays up?" I almost choke on my coffee.

"I think my Dad can manage that, and I think I'd prefer his dick still attached."

"Well if he ever plays up, you'll know where to find me." She says and stands up and walks out of Nando's.

This is going to be a long day.


"Come on, I could have gotten away with that!" Han groans as I pull her out of a lolly shop.

"Not bloody likely! The guy behind the counter was watching you like a hawk."

"Then why'd you pull me out if you knew I'd get caught, I'm a pretty fast runner if you ask me." She can't actually be serious.

"Oh yes I am serious." She smiled at me. What? "You really gotta stop talking to yourself, people might find out stuff about you that you don't want them to know."

"And what could I be hiding from people?" I ask her.

"The fact that you won't be able to last two days with me behind bars." She shrugs. "Then there is also the time you may or may not have told me that you fell down the stairs."

"I told you that?!" I basically yell.

"Yeah, you should really work on that, people will start to think your crazy." She chuckles.

"I'm not the one who's crazy here." I tell her and she laughs.

"Says the one who is dating probably one of the most famous guys in the world, also having their baby, and, is still friends with me."

"That last bit is true. But you're crazier than me." I tell her and she nods.

"Yeah, course I am." She shrugs.

"I'm honestly surprised you haven't been sent to one of those mental hospitals."

"Yeah, same, strange world, isn't it."


"Do you think we'll last?" I ask Han, we were sitting on the couch of the apartment we just moved in.

"You're really pushing the boundaries if our relationship, you know." She chuckles.

"Funny." I glare at her.

"Woah, chill." She raises her hands up in defeat. "But yeah, I think you guys will."

"Really?" It's been bugging me for ages, he's got heaps of girls that'll be all over him and what if one day, he forgets about me and wants nothing to do with me? And Charlie and Sammy?

"You're wrong." She says putting a piece of chocolate in her mouth. I really do need to work on that.

"You didn't say it out loud if that's what you're thinking, I can see it in your eyes." She shrugs.

"But what if he does?"

"Then he won't be able to make any more mini Niall's or mini whoever he wants to get pregnant, and I'll make sure of it."

"Can you please stop making threaths about chopping his penis off!" I groan.

"Well, if he leaves you, I'll cut it off and sell it on ebay." She says.

"You'll what?" My eyes go wide.

"Don't act so surprised." She laughs.

"You're threatening to chop my boyfriends dick off and sell it." I sigh.

"Well if I have to do it, he won't be your boyfriend." She shrugs.

"Can we please change the subject." I groan.

"Sure, have the babies started kicking?"

"Yeah, do you want to feel it?" I ask, she nods and I grab her hand and place it on my stomach. They immediately kick.

"They like me!" She says excitedly.

"If they're anything like you, I'll be scared." I chuckled when she removes her hand.

"Of course they'll be like me, I'll be their awesome auntie that they look up to." She smirks and I sigh, shaking my head.

"So, do you want something to eat?" I ask.

"I'm good." She smiles.

"Yeah, where'd you get all that food from?" I ask.

"Told you I was good." She winked and walked off into her room.

"Wait, wait, wait, you're telling me you actually stole something." I gape, following her into her room.

"I'm not telling you anything, I'm just saying." She shrugged.

"I'm scared for my children." I sigh, walking out of the room.

"And you have every right to be." she calls out.

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