Chapter 38

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I shut my locker and was about to leave it. But I was stopped by something hitting me. It hit me straight in the face. It cold substance hit me and started to drip down. I just stood there with my eyes shut. I was scared to open my eyes because once I did that. It would get in them. I whipped the area around my eyes with my hands and opened them. Everyone was staring at me.

I turned to hear people clapping. I see it was some football jocks. Just want I needed. With them was Quinn and Santana. Standing there laughing at me with everyone else.

I just collected my things and with my head up high headed to the closed bathroom. I was not going to show them my weakness. I will not give them that satisfaction.

When I got into the bathroom I still wouldn't let the weakness show. Just in case any of them came in. I started to clean myself up.

"Rachel, are you in here?" I heard. I turn to see it was Kurt and Brittany.

"Oh Rach. Are you okay?" Brittany coming over to me.

"I am fine. Sadly, I am use to it." I told her truthfully.

"Oh Diva. How many did they hit you with?" Kurt asked looking at me.

"I don't know. I was not going to count." I told him.

"Sit. Let us help." Brittany said to me.

I did as she said. Kurt and she went to work. Kurt pulled clothes out of his bag. He then said,

"A few things you left at my place and I forgot to give you back."

"Thanks." I said taking them.

I went into a stall and got changed. I walked out to me in a part of black leggings and a tee shirt. Kurt then handed me a sweater to me. I put it on over the tee shirt.

"Thanks guys." I told them.

"Always Rach. That is what friends are for." Brittany said to me.

"May I ask. Who did it to you?" Kurt asked me.

"Some football players. Also, Quinn and Santana stood by them." I told them truthfully.

"Wow." Kurt said. I think he had no words to say about it.

"Quinn really wants me to stay quiet about me being Cinderella." I told them.

"But how did she know you talked to him about it?" Kurt asked me.

"She saw you leaving with him after practice. She might have thought you said something to him." Brittany said to us.

"Of course, I waited for him after football practice because I was going to study with him." I said.

"Yeah. But she doesn't know that you have been dropping clues." Kurt said.

"No. Let's keep that way. I really don't need this a daily thing again." I told them truthfully. I really hope this doesn't turn into a daily thing.

We then headed to our next class. I really am happy to have two friends like Kurt and Brittany. I was then stopped by...

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