Chapter 37

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It was the end of the day. I went to the bleachers to wait for Noah. I was working on my homework. I looked up to see Noah looking at me. I gave him a small smile. He gave me one back.

I then went back to my work. Time must have gone by. Because I didn't know the football practice was over. Not until Noah came up to me.

"Hey ready to go?" He asked me.

I looked up to him and said,

"Yeah. Just give me a few."

I then started to pack my things away. When I got done packing my bag. We then headed to our cars. When I was walking. I felt eyes on me. I looked around to see it was Finn. What does he want?

"You okay?" Noah asked me.

"Yeah. I am fine." I told him.

Then I went into my car and he went into his. I followed him to his house.

I walked into his house and was immediately attacked with a hug. I looked down to see it was his little sister Sara.

"Hello Sara." I said to her.

"Hey Rachel." She said still hugging me.

"Sara what about let Rach go. So, she can get inside the house." Noah said.

She did as she was told. I got inside and shut the door behind me. Then Noah and I went over to the kitchen table.

"Mom left snacks for us all." She pointed to the counter. "Your favorite Rachel." Sara told me.

"Thanks Sara. Sara, did you get all your homework done?" I asked her.

She looked at me and didn't say a word. I don't think wanted to do it.

"Sara go do your homework. I will check it when you get done. Noah and I will be sitting here doing our homework." I told her. She nodded and went to her room to do her homework.

"You are really good with her. She loves you." Noah said to me.

"She is a good kid. Just need to help lead her." I told him.

"Yeah. But it would have token me forever to get her to do her homework." I told me truthfully.

"Talking about it. Least get to ours." I said.

Then we started to work on Romeo and Juliet. We were walking on it for a couple hours. Then we stopped for a break. Noah was looking at me.

"What?" I asked her.

"I have a question." He said to me.

"Yes?" I asked. I was nervous when he asked me that.

"Why would a girl hide if they know someone is looking for them?" He asked me.

"Is this about your mystery Cinderella?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I was just wondering. She is hiding in plain sight and I can't find her. Almost all the girls at our school said to me more than once they were my Cinderella." He told me.

"Then why don't you believe one of them. She might be one of them." I said to him.

"Because I know they are not her. I will know when I look right in her eyes. I would never forget those beautiful eyes." He told me.

"Maybe she fears what you might time of her." I suggested to him. But was the truth. I feared what he might think of me.

"Why fear that? I already think of her out of this world in a good way." He said.

"I mean what she looks like. What if you get turned off if it is someone you were not expecting or think would work out?" I asked her.

"Rach, this girl looks couldn't do that. She is already amazing just being her." I said.

"Okay. Maybe you are not looking hard enough. Maybe she is right in front of you." I said.

"That is what I am saying. Thanks for understanding Rach. You are a good friend." He said.

"Yeah. I am." I said a little bit down that he didn't understand what I was saying there.

We then went back to work. I stay and helped make dinner with Noah and Sara. Then I went home.

It was the next day. I was at my locker. I called Brittany and Kurt last night and told them everything. They were proud of me even trying.

I shut my locker and was about to leave it. But I was stopped by something hitting me. It hit me straight in the face. It cold substance hit me and started to drip down. I just stood there with my eyes shut. I was scared to open my eyes because once I did that. It would get in them. I whipped the area around my eyes with my hands and opened them. Everyone was staring at me.

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