Chapter 5

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*Flash back*

The bell just rang for the end of class. I got up and walked out. I was heading to glee. But I was taking a new route to the glee room. Less crowded hallways. But before I got to glee I was stopped by a group of football players.

There has to be about six of them. They all circled me. They had 2 slushies in each hands. I wanted to try to fight and run. But I know I couldn't. There was six of them and one of me. I am so scrub. This was my last pair of clean clothes. I had nothing else.

Just then they dumped all their slushies on me. I stood there in a big puddle of different type of slushies. I was drenched from head to toe.

One of the football player said,

"There you go loser. Now you look prefect for your life. It all match."

The football players were laughing and high fiving each other. Then they left me standing there. I walked throw the puddle trying not to fall. I was slipping on the slushie. I was holding back my tears. I finally got to the closest bathroom. I checked if anyone was in there. I then finally let go my tears.

I was trying to clean myself up. But nothing was working. I looked into the mirror and I was crying still. I then got a text from Kurt.

*End of Flash back*

I told them what happened. They helped me get cleaned up and everything. Then we walked out of the bathroom to see the glee guys standing there.

"Rach, are you okay?" Finn asked me.

"Yeah. I am fine. Can we just get to glee?" I asked them.

"Yeah. Come on." Finn said. Then we walked back to the glee room.

"Rachel, are you okay?" Mr. Shuster asked me.

"I am better now Mr. Shuester. I want to thank-you guys for the help and cloth. I will get these back to you guy." I told them.

"Rachel don't worry about it. What are members for?" Mike told me.

We had glee club. Mr. Shuster told us that he will relieve the week for this tomorrow. I walked out of the glee club. I went to my locker to get my last minute things before heading home. Kurt was walking me. We got to my locker.

"You know I feel so bad for you. You didn't deserve this." Kurt told me.

"Thanks Kurt. But one day they will regret it because I am going to be big on Broadway." I told him.

"Yes you will." Kurt told me. I got done at my locker and we were walking down the hallway until we saw a poster for a Halloween dance. Kurt pointed it out and said,

"We are so going."

"I don't know Kurt." I told him.

"Come on. It will be fun. Also no one will know who will be who because it is a costume dance." Kurt said trying to talk me into it.

"I will think about it." I told him.

"I will get you to go." Kurt said as if it was the last thing he was going to do. I just laughed and shuck my head.

I walked to my car with Kurt. Kurt was coming to my place to hang out and spend the night. We were heading to my car until I heard,


Kurt and I turned around to see......

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