Chapter 28

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She looked at me. She then said,

"A necklace."

"What is the charm on it?" I asked her.

"Ummmm...." She was saying stuck.

I know I got her there. She is not my Cinderella. I then said,

"You are not my Cinderella. You would know what the charm is."

I then walked away from her. How did she know that my Cinderella dropped a necklace? Probably a lucky guess. I then got to the fitness room.

"Looks who final shows up." Mike said.

"Well you would be late too if you got stopped almost every second from girls saying they were Cinderella." I told him.

"Wow. A lot of girls want to be your Cinderella. Have you found her yet?" Finn asked.

"No but I will find her." I told him.

"I am just confused. How can you fall for a girl you never seen?" Finn asked me.

I looked at him. I then said,

"It didn't matter on the looks. What I fell for was her personality. Who she was. Not what she looks like. So, when I did first meet her it made it even better."

I was being truthfully. It didn't care about her looks. I thought she was beautiful for her brain and humor. For who she was. She was true to herself. So, when I got to see what she looked like. It made it even better.

"Wow man. Deep." Sam said to me.

"No. Just the truth. She is different from every girl I have been with. I could tell her things. She didn't judge me for any of it." I told them. I didn't care about telling these guys about it. The won't judge me for it.

"You could tell me things man. That's why we are best bros." Finn said.

"Yeah I know Finn. But it was different with her." I told them.

"You really care for her don't you Puck?" Blaine asked.

I looked at him and thought about it. I then said,

"Yeah I do."

"It's nice to a girl actually can tame the all and mighty Noah Puckerman." Mike said jokily.

*Rachel's POV*

It has been a couple days since Quinn came up to me. Glee members have been singing different love songs.

I just don't know what I am going to do about Noah. I want to tell him. But on the other hand, I am scared to tell him. Then I have Quinn. So, I have no clue what to do.

I was at my locker getting a few things in the morning. I heard from behind,

"Hey Berry."

There is only one person who calls me that. I turned around to see Noah coming my way.

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