Chapter 2

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I put my phone away and I just smiled. I opened my locker and started to get a few things out. I shut my locker and turned to meet Santana.

"Santana, what may be the pleaser to have you standing by my locker?" I asked her looking around to see if she made a mistake or something.

"What I can't just come and talk to you?" She said to me.

"Truly you haven't talked to me at all not even in glee. You mainly put me down." I told her.

"So stuff changed." She said looking down the hallway.

I then I saw a few football players coming my way. They had something in their hands. When they got closer I recognize they had a slushie in their hands. Then Santana moved out of the way. Then the football players through the slushies at me.

"Bye loser." Santana said walking away with the football players.

I just took out my back up clothes and walked to the bathroom. I pulled out my phone and texted Kurt.

Got slushied and need help. Can you come? Got clothes already. In bathroom near my locker.

Oh Diva. I will be right there.

Thanks Kurt.

No problem

Then Kurt walked into the bathroom. He quickly came over to me.

"Who did this to me?" He asked me consured.

"A few football players and Santana." I told him. I then told him what happened.

"She is a straight up bitch. I can't believe her. She is one of us." Kurt said shaking his head.

"I know but it does matter. She doesn't really care." I said walking into a stall to change into my new clothes. But I know I am just going to get these ones ruin too.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I am fine." I said walking out and fixing my hair.

The day went by fast kind of. I am sitting in Science with Brittany, Mike, Sam, and Quinn. We were having a makeup class. It is when the class can make up any work and hand it in for half credit. I didn't have any work to make up. So I was doodling in my note book I use when I am bored.

"Hey Rachel. Can you help me here?" Sam asked me. I looked up and smiled.

"Sure Sam." I said. I then walked over to him. I was helping him with a bookwork. Then I saw my phone light up. I smiled. I looked at it to see it was MusicCore.

Hey you.

Aren't you in class right now?

Yes. What about you?

Science and we are makeup class

"Who is making you smile like that?" Brittany asked me. I looked to her.

"What Brittany?" I asked her. Then my light up again.


What about you?


Then you shouldn't be texting me right now.

"Who is the guy you are texting that making you smile like that?" Brittany asked me.

"Brittany, how do you know it's a guy?" I asked her.

Oh come on beautiful. Don't make me stop talking to you.

Come on. You have to get a good eduction. Please for me. I will text you later.

Fine. Only for you.

"Can you please tell me?" She asked me.

"It's no one really." I told her.

Then the bell rang and I quickly got my things and got out the door so Brittany couldn't ask any more questions. I was walking down the hallway until....

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