Chapter 8

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"Well we meet in this chatroom and we started to talk privately. Then we gave each other numbers. We never really tried to see each other." I told her.

"Does he go to school?" She asked me.

"Yes. He goes to our school." I told her.

"Really? Then how haven't you guys meet then. Maybe you guys have and never noticed before." Brittany said to me.

But that got me thinking. She is right. I could have meet him before. I also could be in the same class with him and not notice because we never meet.

"I don't know. But I want to meet him. He is the who keeps saying not yet." I told her.

"What about the Halloween dance? You two can maybe meet there." Brittany said to me.

"I don't know." I told her.

It has been a few days since that day. Brittany and I have been getting close. The Halloween has been getting near.

I walked into glee room for glee. I went and sat down by Kurt. Everyone was talking about the Halloween dance.

"Hey Rach." Finn said to me.

"Hello Finn. How are you?" I asked him.

"I am good. How are you Rachel?" He asked me.

"I am good." I told them.

"That's good. Hey Rachel I was wondering something." He said to me.

"What is it Finn?" I asked him.

"I was wondering if you would want to go to the Halloween dance with me?" He asked me.

"Finn, I am sorry but I don't think that was is a good idea." I told him.

"Why is that?" He asked me.

"Because I know you are asking me out but not just that. You want to get back together. I am sorry Finn but no." I told him.

"Rachel, why not? We were a good match." Finn said to me.

"No we were not. Finn, I am sorry but I think we should just be friends." I told him.

"I am not going to give up." Finn told me.

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