Chapter 12

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"Yeah. We will be meeting maybe. I know I will show. But I don't know about her part." I told him truthfully.

Then Mr. Shuester walked into the room. He then started glee club. I just zoned out. He was just going on about this week. It was a boring week. When he got done we got time to ourselves. I was still zoned out. I was thinking about what will be coming.

"Puck." Someone said to me.

"What?" I asked looking around. I saw there was no one left in the room except for Finn and Mike.

"Bell rang dude." Mike said to me.

"Come on Puck. Time for English class." Finn said to me.

"Whatever man." I said grabbing my things. We were heading to a class.

We were in class waiting for the teacher. My head was once again gone. I was not listening to the lesson. I was watching the clock. Counting down time to end. But that was not going to happen any time soon.

*Rachel's POV*

I was walking the hallway to the auditorium. But I was stopped by Brittany. I looked at the blonde hair cheerio and asked her,

"Yes Brittany?"

"So I was thinking after practice today we go shopping. Kurt said that is good with him. So?" She asked me to excited.

"Sure. That sound good." I told her.

"Britt, I heard shopping. When are we going?" We both heard. We looked over to see Santana and Quinn coming to us.

"I was going shopping after practice today with Rachel and Kurt. You guys can come if you want to." Brittany told them.

"Go shopping with manhands. No thank-you." Quinn told her.

"Britt, let's go shopping but without manhands and Hummel. It will be so much more fun." Santana said.

"But I already told Rachel and Kurt I will go with them. I am keeping to my word. But you two are welcome to come if you want." Brittany told them.

"Why are you going shopping anyways Brit?" Santana asked Brittany.

"For costumes for the costume ball." Brittany told her.

"Why would Rachel go to the ball? No one wants her there." Quinn said snickering.

"Someone does want her there." Brittany said to her.

"Really? Who?" Santana asked.

I looked at Brittany to see what she was going to say. I really hope she doesn't tell them about him. I don't need them to know. She then said,

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