Chapter 34

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I held Matts hand as I drove through the Mall's parking lot.

Matt and I haven't gone anywhere since he's been in the hospital. We decided to go to the mall.

"There's literally no parking spots" I whined.

"Keep looking I'm sure there is one babe."

Eventually we found one. I got out of the car, a gust of wind blew onto me. Causing me to shiver. Matt was in the middle of taking off his jacket.
"No Matt, your going to get sick!"
"I'd rather be sick than see you cold" he smiled while wrapping his jacket around me.


We made our way into the mall. There isn't as much people today. I handed his jacket back and thanked him with a kiss.

"Where to?" I smiled

"Urban outfitters. Pleaseeee pleassseeee?!"

"Okay, okay" I chuckled


Matt looked at the clothes like it was candy, grabbing everything that interested him.
I practically jumped out of my skin when I heard screams. I looked around and spotted a group of girls heading over to Matt. He looked overly happy to see his fans, he made conversation and took pictures.
I saw a huge smile spread across his face, there's the smile I love.


After the fans left the store, He came up to me with basically the whole store piled up in his hands.
My eyes widened. "All of that?"
He nodded. "Yup" he smiled
It was a while for the cashier to scan all the tags.
It added up to 278.23
He swiped his card. A loud beep occurred. "How" he shook his head in disbelief. He swiped once more. *beep* "I guess I have no money." He sadly said.
"I'll pay for it but I only have cash" I sighed and handed the cashier the money.
"Thank you so much!" He engulfed me in a hug and pecked my cheeks.
I chucked "no problem"


"I have no money left and we just got here." I said
"Let's go to the bank?" He suggested.
"Yeah let's go" I dragged him to the car.


We had arrived at the bank and went inside. There was a long like waiting. "Great" I mumbled.
"It's okay well ju-" Matt started but couldn't finish when someone yelled
"Put your hands up!"
I violently looked around to see what was going on.
Two guys in black apparel with white masks covering their face held people at gun point.
This can't be happening.
"ON THE FLOOR, NOW" one screamed.
I immediately fell to the floor pulling Matt down with me.
"Grab my hand" he said
"Grab my hand!" He panicked
I grabbed his hand and he instantly squeezed it.
"Put your wallets in the bag" one said while the other shoved the banks money in a pillow case.
I took my free hand and grabbed my wallet and dropped it in the bag.
I looked over to Matt whose eyes were full of worry, a bead of sweat rolling down the side on his head.
"It's okay" mouthed.
"It will all be oka-"
I jumped to the horrible sound of a body falling to the ground. Many screams and yells occurred.
Another Bang.
Another body.
The robber came closer to us. He pulled up his gun and aimed at the person next to Matt.
Matt squeezed my hand and mouthed "I love you" right when the robber aimed his gun to Matts head.


This just got intense. What do you guys think will happen?

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Thanks for reading, ily <333

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