Chapter 27

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We sped to the hospital and arrived sooner than planned. We quickly made our way to find a parking spot. I slammed the door shut and sped walked to the front office.

"How May I help you?"

"We need to see Nash Grier"

"Uh yes please wait a second" she looked back down and shuffled papers

I groaned, she moved slower than a turtle.

"Ah yes, room 420"

"Ok thanks!" Matt said

We ran to the elevator and pressed floor 4. Matt looked like he was going to cry. I saw his eyes water and a single tear roll down his cheek. I came closer to him and he buried his head into my shoulder.

The beep on the elevator door broke the silence. I grabbed matts hand. "420" I kept repeating to myself.

Once we found it, I slowly opened to the door to see Nash and Audrey. He was covered with bruises, and broken arm and a few cuts. I put my hand over my mouth. Matt gripped my hand tighter. "What happened" his voice cracked. "H-he got into a big car crash" Audrey sobbed while holding Nash's hand.

He laid there looking so innocent. Matt finally let go of me and walked to Nash. I hugged Audrey to calm her down. "Will he be okay?" I asked. "I don't" she wiped away her tears "i don't know"

Tears started forming in my eyes thinking about him being gone. The room became silent expect for the beeping of the monitor.
A few minutes passed by, it was completely silent. "He's awake!" Matt whispered. I looked over at Nash who was staring at Audrey whose head was buried into her knees. "Audrey" was his first words. Her head shot up. The pain in her eyes was showing a lot. "Nash" she weakly smiled and ran her fingers through his hair. "I love you" he weakly said before he fell back asleep. "I love you too, wait no!" Audrey yelled. "Shh, he's okay. He's just sleeping." Matt tried calming her down right before we all heard the one noise we never wanted to hear.

The monitor was no longer beeping.
It let out a long loud single beep.

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