Chapter 4

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As I got up to throw away my trash I saw Luke in the doorway, he gestured me to come over,
So I did

We walked to the empty edge of the hallway.

"So what's up" I said nervously
Before I know it his lips smashed into mine. Of course I kissed back. I could feel fireworks, it soon turned into a makeout session.

He pulled away and I was speechless.

He smiled saying " I'll cya around" I basically died on the spot.

He walked back into the lunch room and I spazzed out still trying to process what just happened.

I walked back and sat down but Matt wasn't there.
"Hey Audrey where's Matt? "
"I don't know he said something about you and left"
"What did he say?"
"I don't know" she turned back to talk to nash.
"Ughhhh" I groaned and put my
Head down.

I got on the bus and sat down next to Matt.

"Hey justin" I said adding sass
He just smiled. But I could tell it was fake. We sat in a awkward silence the whole bus ride.

What is going on with him.

After today I think I'm going to finally ask Audrey out. I'm going to her house after school.

*at Audrey's house*

I rang the doorbell and the door immediately opened

"HEY!" She yelled with a huge smile
She was wearing spandex. Oh my gosh.

"Come in"
"Glady" I smiled
After talking for a while I asked if she wanted to watch a movie.
"What movie"I said
"Surprise me" she said with a grin
I laughed a little. I chose a scary one.
It is the perfect excuse to cuddle with her. She hated scary movies.
"Okay her it goes" I pressed play
"It's okay I got you" I wrapped my arms around her.

She fell asleep it was now 12:34 so I carried her to her bedroom and layed her down. "Goodnight" I said whispering and kissed her forehead.
"Don't go" she grabbed my arm

Is she serious. YASSSSSSSSSS

Without hesitation I got under the covers and cuddled with her until we fell asleep again.

I decided not to talk to Faith on the bus it would only make me want to cry. I never
Cried for a girl.

I got home and I wanted to
Text faith but I decided not to. She was probably texting that man hoe anyways.

I made a vine and posted it. Went on twitter and responded to some fans and stuff. I fell asleep from boredom.

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