Chapter 29 B

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"You passed out, Meet me at hospital ASAP" - Audrey
"What your kidding right?" -cam
"I will be at the hospital! I heard Nash is okay!" - Aaron
"Matt is in the hospital, thank you for trying to save him. He isn't doing so well. All we can do is pray" - carter

As I kept reading, I eyes watered and I could no longer read. It wasn't a dream. This is all real. I started to panic. I drove quickly to the hospital with tears in my eyes.


"Room 415" the lady said
I darted up Matts room
I slowly opened the door and saw him laying down. He looked helpless and weak. Carter, taylor and Aaron were there.
I ran up to him and stroked his cheek that were stained with tears. "How could I let this happen" "why, why, why" I screamed. Carter wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back tightly while sobbing into his shoulder. We finally pulled away and I automatically grabbed Matts hand. "I love you so much, I never knew you were hurting like this." I whispered. "Please be okay! You always helped me through the bad times. I remember when you put reminders on my phone that told me to stay strong" I started to tear up even more. "And when you got mad at me for eating all your cheez-it's" I laughed to myself. I saw a weak smile come from him. I sat up and gripped his hand tightly. "Matt?" Carter said Matthew?" I whispered.

He slowly opened his eyelids revealing his big chocolate brown eyes. "Hi" he weakly whispered. I smiled and immediately hugged him, he hugged back tightly. "Why did you scare me?" I asked "I'm sorry, I was out of it. My bad thoughts got ahold of me" he frowned.

We let go of eachother so that carter, Aaron, and taylor can greet him. The rest on the boys came into the room and greeted Matt.

I walked out of the room to gather my thoughts. The boys came out also
"Matt fell asleep again." Carter said in a low tone. I nodded and looked through the window one last time before heading to Nash.


Nash was awake and looked happy. Just him smiling will make everyone happy. I immediately grabbed his hand. "Hey Nash" I whispered. "Hi hello" he didn't seem that weak anymore. "How do you feel?" I ran my finger through his hair. "I feel great!knowing that Everyone is fine." He smiled. Everyone filled into the room expect Matt. I frowned and So did Nash. "Where is Matt?" He looked up at me concerned. Tears filled my eyes. "Um he, h-he tried to take his own life." I sobbed thinking about Matt being gone. Nash started to freak out. "No but but he's okay!" I added and tried calming him down. "What, why did he, I want to see him now!" Nash tried sitting up and yelled in pain. "Nash look at you! You need to rest, you can't get up quite yet. Matt is okay he is sleeping." I stroked his cheek.

He finally calmed down. He closed his eyes but still had a small smile. I kissed his forehead and headed back to Matts room.

There was a nurse there. "Hello" she smiled, shuffling papers. "Matthew is doing very well, but he will have to stay in the hospital for 2 weeks."

I frowned but nodded. 2 weeks without my best friend, my boyfriend, the one who kept me strong. I grabbed his hand and rested my head onto his shoulder.


"Visiting hours are over" the nurse said. "Ma'am it is time to go"
My head shot up. It's already time to leave? I looked at Matt who seemed very peaceful. I kissed his forehead "I love you, stay strong for me." I whispered into his ear before leaving.

Yay so Nash is okay! But there is still a possibility that Matt will not make it. I'm still debating what should happen.

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