Chapter 8

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, I was so annoyed so I threw it across the room. I sat in bed for 10 minutes thinking about how perfect
Yesterday was. I kept thinking about Matt.

Letting out a loud sigh I jumped up from my bed and walked to the bathroom. I kept my hair the way it was which is wavy and wore
Mascara. I thought I should bum today so I wore Adidas pants with my old gymnastics shirt with uggs.

I heard my phone blowing up in my room, It was Luke.

"Hey babe"
"Are you ok"
"How are you"

I'm so mad at him, I don't even want to hear his name.

Ignoring his texts, I grabbed my bag and walked to the bus stop.

Matt was already there
I walked up to him and gave him a hug, it felt so good being in his arms again.
"Hey" he said smiling down on me
"Hey Justin"
He let out a sigh
"What did I do to you faith" he said acting angry but I could see him trying not to laugh.
I just gave him the biggest smile ever and turned around to make him mad
"Faith" he said gently grasping my arm.
"Yes Matthew Lee?"
"What did I say about saying my middle name!" He yelled whispered.
"Okay okay I'm sorry" I giggled as the bus arrived.

We boarded the bus and sat in the very back seat.
"Can I see your phone?" He asked
"Um... Sure?" I said confused.
He was on it for a few minutes then gave it back
"Ok here" he had the biggest smile which made me melt inside.
"What did you do?"
"Oh you'll see soon" he said smirking.

I didn't even notice that we were driving up to the school already.

I slowly walked off the bus, matt had to go to the bathroom so I waited for him to come out.

Leaning against the wall I let out a sigh then suddenly someone grabbed me with a tight grip. I couldn't see who it was it was blurry, I think I was just punched. I fell to the ground.

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