Chapter 11

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Matts POV

Faith already fell asleep she was lightly snoring which was adorable.
I moved my arm away from her waist and went on my phone until I got tired. It's 1:37am. I yawned then suddenly I heard Faith mumble, it got louder and she started screaming.

"Faith!" I yelled/whispered
I shaked her but she wouldn't wake up
"Faith!" I yelled once more
She jolted up and looked at me with fear in her eyes. She scooted closer and hugged me, of course I hugged back. She was heavily sweating.
"Are you okay?" I said rubbing her back
"Y-yeah" she said taking a deep breath
"Just a nightmare" she said and pulled away.
"Did I wake you Matt?"
"No no I was still up"
"Oh good" she smiled and laid down
I laid back down and closed my eyes
I felt her scoot closer to me and lay her head on my chest.
"Goodnight" she said tiredly

- in the morning -

I woke up from the sound of matt moving around wildly.
I looked over at him but he was still sleeping. I shrugged it off and climbed over him since my side of the bed was against the wall.
He flipped around once more causing me to fall
"Crap" I mumbled
I got up from the floor and walked to the bathroom.
I stood there for a few minutes looking at myself in the mirror. I pointed out all of my flaws. That must made me more depressed.
I grunted and walked out to go downstairs
I poured a bowl of Special K cereal with milk and added a dash of sugar.
I ate and sat on my phone until Matt walked downstairs.

"Good-morning". I smiled
"Hey goodmorning" he replied
"Do you want me to make pancakes or something?"
"Nah I'll just eat some cereal.. What ya got?" He asked
"Um.. Special K, cinnamon toast, and fruity pebbles"
"Ooh cinnamon toast" he poured a bowl and ate with me

"So are you okay?"
"From what?"
"That nightmare"
"Oh, oh yeah I'm fine"
He smiled
We got up and put our bowls in the dish washer

There was a note on the fridge saying

Hey honey, we are going on a business meeting. We will be back Monday! -mom and dad

I sighed and crumbled it up
I'm not surprised they, are barley home.

"So" I said jumping on the couch
"What do you wanna do today?" I added
Matts phone buzzed and so did mine
It read

-party at Nash's house please come!
Tonight at 7:00!
From Audrey

"Let's go to a party" Matt smiled

Matt sat down next to me and we watched cartoons and ate. My phone buzzed "I got it" Matt said
He read it and his expression became upset

"What is this Faith?" He said angrily
I read it, it's from Luke

-Hey yesterday was fun ;) can wait to f you again.

I was shocked i felt like throwing up

"I-I" I couldn't get my words out
"I can't believe you Faith! He cheated on you and now you fuck him? You knew I had feelings for you!" He yelled
All I could do was cry
"Matt let me explain" I sobbed
"No. I'm leaving. Goodbye Faith" he said disappointed
"MATT!" I yelled as he walked out the door.
He's gone. Great

I texted Luke back

I buried my face into the couch pillow and cried.

I got up and headed to the bathroom. I took out something that I haven't touched in a very long time.

My blades.

I rolled up my sleeve and started to tear my skin apart.

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