Chapter 9

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I couldn't process what was happening. The next thing I know is I'm being dragged somewhere.

Everything turned black.

I woke up in the janitors closet which was unusually kinda big. There was tape around my mouth, I couldn't speak. I tried to scream but it wasn't loud enough.

That voice is familiar

I started to tear up when I finally figured out who it was, it was Luke.

I started to scream and wiggle around, I'm tied up to a chair.

He walked up to me, looking down on me with an ugly smirk.

"So Faith why aren't you texting me back you little slut?"
I yelled in response
He ripped the tape of my mouth and raised his hand.
I started to sob, if I scream he will hit me.
"Because you were "making out with Abby!" I sobbed and yelled.

He raised his hand up more and slapped me
I screamed in pain

"You are going to learn today faith, yeah I made out with her. So what? You were probably sleeping with 10 guys like the slut you are"

I was uncontrollably crying

He grabbed me and started to pull down my Adidas pants.
"Please no!" I said weakly
He kept going and soon took off my shirt.

I stood here in bra and underwear.

"Why are you doing this?"
"Because you are mine and I will do what I want with you!"
Chills went down my spine, I was disgusted
"IM NOT YOURS!" I screamed

He walked up to me and pushed me so I was on the floor.

He unbuttoned his pants, took off my panties.

I couldn't see because of the tears

He raped me. He actually raped me.

"Have you learned yet?" He said Pulling himself out of me
At this point I couldn't cry anymore, my checks were burning I just wanted to die.

I didn't respond from shock
He laughed and smacked me

I could hear my phone buzzing

He looked at me then turned around to get my phone.

"What do we have here?"
"5 texts from matt huh?"
He read them out loud
- Faith your going to leave me like that
- Hey were are you?
- Did I do something?
- Seriously where are you why aren't you responding
- :(
"Pathetic" he laughed
"So you want to sleep with him too?"

"I was a virgin.... A Virgin UNTIL YOU RAPED ME" I screamed

"Whatever slut"

I felt a tear roll down my cheek and onto my lips.

I just wanted matt to come and save me.

"Listen here you bitch, I am going to let you go but do not tell ANYONE" his voice raised
"Or I might just have to f*** you till you die" he smirked

I wanted to throw up at the lat sentence.

He let me go and I ran to my car and cried for an hour. My head was buried in my knees. My head jolted up to the sound off my phone.

It was a reminder
But why?

It read:
Everything will get better I promise! I will always be there for you! Ily

I cried even more at how kind and caring Matt is.

I looked in my reminders and it is scheduled everyday at 5:00pm

My thoughts eventually broke when I thought about what happened with Luke.

I gritted my teeth and finally turned my car on and drive home still in tears.


(A/N) whoa shit just got real. So what do you guys think about the story so far?

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