Part 48: Potterhead

ابدأ من البداية

"Whoever's in there should know, ballet class begins in five minutes, so you should get going,"


I didn't sign up for some ballet class. Wait... I just remembered, it's my mother who signed up everything for me in here.

"I, ah... Uhm, I can't... I have cramps," I lied. Now I just don't steal phones, I also lie. Things you learn in prep schools. Bloody brilliant.

"Oh! Do you need help? I can take you to the infirmary, or call Dr. Rhodes,"

Infirmary??... Oh, right... the damn clinic.

"T-that's really kind, but no thanks. I got this... I'll be fine," I said.

"Are you sure?" This girl nagging me is starting to get in to my nerves. Can't she just leave me with my own thing, like... now...

"Yes!" I snarled slightly showing my impatience.

"I can get you some naproxen or perhaps warm compress to place in your abdomen..."

"Really, I will be fine, thank you...just go... to ballet now, you'll be late,"

"Oh! Right! You're right! Okay... I'll go now. But I'll inform the school prefect you might need medical attention, so you just keep calm in there, alright,"

You have got to be kidding me. The school prefect?!

The school prefect is a dude, who absolutely knows nothing about what it's like to have menstrual cramps. And he's the dude whose phone I just took and... well... you can say just violated it's privacy.

Whatever I'm about to do, I got to do it now, before I get myself into a deeper heap of trouble...

To do things faster, forget checking emails, I just sent Kara one simple message through text. Its not that long, but lengthy enough for her to know where I am and what I'm up to. Then, I cleared the phone of any trace that it was used by me, then locked it. All that's left to do now was slip it back in Jack's possession without him knowing. Then, I won't have to call this little mischief of mine stealing, but instead I'll call it borrowing. The only tricky thing here is that I cannot ever be caught.

"Hello? This is Jack Spheer, the school prefect, may I come in? I've been told someone might need help..."

And there he is, Mr Jack 'potterhead' Spheer, announcing his entrance to the girl's lavatory. Had it been an actual emergency, like I don't know, somebody slipped on the floor and bashed their head bleeding to death, I don't really think this kind of niceties would still be necessary. Then again, it's not an emergency, so...

"Hello?" He called out again.

"Are you really this... involved with other students' affairs?" I said surprising him as I burst out of the toilet cubicle I was in, "it's just some cramps... us ladies got it every month, so I'm used to it. No fuss about it really,"

He blushed right then and there where he stood and can't seem to find anything else to say. I don't find anything embarrassing about menstrual cramps, it's pretty normal, but he sure seemed to feel uncomfortable.

While he froze there standing blushing, I took the opportunity to slip his phone on his slightly open sling bag as I deliberately bumped into him on my way out. I walked briskly on the eerily quiet corridor and stifled a squeal of joy, congratulating myself on a stealthy job well done.

Another Time, Another Place (SUPERCORP AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن