Chapter 36 - Elite Defeat!

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The two Pokemon appeared in flashes of white light, chests rising and falling. Spike was a Zorua, presumably caught in Victory Road. Interesting... “Woooohoooooo! Here we go folks!” Harvey yelled into the orange sky.

“Wobbuuuuh!” Fred resonated. The crowd roared as the monitor flashed and returned to focus. This time, there were two photos in the left and right corners of the screen, blown up perhaps a hundred times. My face sat on the right, Holly to the left. Six uncoloured images of PokeBalls sat below each of our faces, a small box sat beside each one. As if by magic, the first PokeBall on each side became illuminated, and pictures of our first two Pokemon appeared. The afternoon was crepuscular, dashes of light shining as if painted with a brush. The atmosphere was tense, and the crowd waited on every word. “Hi Jump Kick!” I commanded. Junior leapt forward and slammed his foot into Spike's face, but Holly didn't seem to be phased in the slightest. She shook her head and smiled. “Spike... Counter!” She roared. She'd lulled me into a trap! Spike hit the ground with an almighty thud, laying still for a while. It was a big hit, which meant the return would be double the power... The Tricky Fox Pokemon opened his eyes and lashed forward. He slammed into Junior with tremendous force, throwing him high into the air. “Hang in there!” I panicked. My Pokemon winced and opened his eyes, spinning in the sky. “Use Bulk Up!”

Junior tightened his muscles and sighed. His Attack and Defence had been bolstered, but was it enough to keep him safe? He landed carefully, swaying on the spot. He was badly injured, but there was a way around it. “Get in close!” I ordered.

“Oh no you don't! Foul Play!” Holly smirked. No! She was using our own power against us! If Foul Play found its mark, Junior's own Attack Stat would be forced onto himself! And considering that he'd just bulked up, it would hurt. “Dodge it!” I moaned. Both Pokemon ran up to meet each other, trying to predict the other's movements. Spike was bounding from left to right, zigzagging to make sure that Junior couldn't escape. Or so he thought. Spike jumped to the right and that's when Junior acted. He threw himself to the ground, rolling underneath Spike. “Drain Punch!” I sniggered. My Pokemon leapt to his feet and spun around, burying his fist into Zorua's belly. “What!?” Holly's jaw dropped. Junior lashed out again and again, draining away Spike's health with each punch. Then it was over. Junior took his fist away and smiled triumphantly as Spike hit the ground and lay still. “Sneaky tactics there! Scrafty pummels Zorua into defeat!” Harvey announced. The crowd cheered and laughed as Wobbuffet called out over the megaphone.

“Oh... Spike, return!” Holly smiled. “Riolu, you're up!”

The small Pokemon by her side flashed a smile and ran forward. The second PokeBall beneath Holly's face became illuminated - the first had gone out. “Use Head Smash!” I ordered. Junior rushed forward whilst Riolu just stood still. What...? It all happened in slow motion. Junior thrust his head down towards the Emanation Pokemon, but he was no longer there. In a single second, Riolu had swerved around Junior, and now had a hand on his back. A powerful Force Palm pulsated through into Junior, sending him face first into the dirt. “Ouch! What a smack!” Harvey winced. Riolu smirked as Junior's bones rattled, my Pokemon pushing himself to his feet. Holly smiled and giggled. “Sky Uppercut!” She grinned. Riolu swung his fist with an upward force, missing Junior by inches. Junior grabbed Riolu by the arm and threw him into the air. “Drain Punch!” I sighed. Junior followed Riolu into the air, trailing a fist of energy behind him.

“Agility then Cross Chop!” Holly laughed. Riolu smirked and disappeared, circling round Junior and slamming his fists into him like knives. My Pokemon was winded, slammed to the floor and beaten. My first PokeBall on-screen flickered out. “Trickery! Riolu completely dominates!” The announcer cried.

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