Chapter 4 - Familiar Faces

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I awoke several hours later in a daze. I managed to stand up and balanced my weight on a nearby tree. I turned to find Holly, Bonnie and Riolu standing up as well. "Are you guys all right?" I asked.

"Fine!" Holly replied. We all gathered around and I told them of the mysterious man I had met. "That creature must have been the Psychic disturbance! Right, Riolu?" Holly asked her Pokemon. Riolu nodded slowly. My brain suddenly ticked.

"Treecko! Treecko where are you!?" I called.  

"Do you want some help?" The girls asked. 

"No, you three get to Pewter City, we'll meet in the Pokemon Centre. I'll try and find Treecko!" I responded hastily. So, they headed for Pewter whilst I roamed the huge Viridian Forest. There was so much lush green scenery that I thought I'd never find him. As I was wandering, something caught my eye. There was some rustling grass in the corner. I was taking a risk here. If it was Treecko, I could go on up to Pewter City with him. However, if it wasn't him, I'd be out of luck because I had no Pokemon to battle with. And opening my mother's Pokeball would be pointless for such a small situation as this. I walked up to the patch of grass and slowly pulled it back. And there, sat on the ground quivering with fear, was a wild Piplup. I couldn't believe it at first. A Piplup? In a forest? Had this poor girl been hurt by the sound of that creature's attack as well? "Hey there, are you ok?" I asked the shaking figure. The Piplup turned and what I saw were clearly tears of pain. I slowly bent down to pick her up, and she didn't object to me touching her. I cradled the Piplup in my arms and started running to Pewter City. Whilst I was running, I heard something up in the trees. This was the worst possible time for a Pokemon encounter. With Treecko missing and this Piplup in such a state, I had no chance. The creature jumped down into the light and I was so happy to see the familiar form of Treecko. Although, he seemed to have some bruises from where he had collided with my stomach. "Get on my shoulder!" I said. "I'll get you some help."

Later, I made it to Pewter City, but there was no time for sight seeing. I ran straight to the Pokemon Centre and was greeted by Nurse Joy. How nice to see a familiar face! I explained the situation and she took Treecko and the Piplup into the medical room. Minutes later, Holly burst in, Bonnie and Riolu in toe. "There you are!" Bonnie exclaimed. "Where's Treecko?"

We went and sat in the main room in the centre and I was in mid flow of my explanation when a tall figure swung the doors open. "I'm looking for a boy called Toby!" He called. 

"That's me sir!" I replied, standing up. The man walked into the light and I saw the familiar face of Brock, the Pewter City Gym Leader. "Toby! You've grown! Now, your sister told me there was some trouble, I wondered if I could help?"

So we all sat down again and I explained the events that had happened once more. Just as I finished my explanation, Nurse Joy came through to us and handed me the wild Piplup and Treecko's PokeBall. I thanked her for her help and she left me with my Pokemon. Piplup looked completely fine now - hard to believe this picture of perfect health was weeping in my arms! "Pluuuup!" She said. 

"I think she likes you!" Nurse Joy observed. I stared deep into her eyes and she stared back. Without thinking I pulled a PokeBall from my pocket and asked her a question. "Do you want to be my new friend?" 

"Plup! Piplup!" She replied. I gently tapped the PokeBall on her head and she was mine. I owned a Piplup!

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