Chapter 2 - A Place I Once Knew

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My first step back onto the grass of Pallet town was my first step in the Kanto region for five years. Straight away I recognised my house, already belonging to another family. After the girls and I had taken a romp around my humble town, we decided to visit Professor Oak. The lab still looked the same as all those years ago, albeit with far more advanced technology. At the back of the room I could see the familiar head of a local Pokemon expert, leaning over a computer screen, research as usual! We all walked up to him to give him a surprise. "Hi Professor!" Bonnie shouted. Bad thing to do. It turned out that Oak was actually doing some sort of microscopical tests. When he heard the shout, he accidentally knocked his glass slide full of Pokemon organisms off the table. "Wha-No!" he wailed as the slide dropped far away from his grasp.

"Go, Treecko!" I declared as I hurled my PokeBall at the falling glass. My Hoenn-bred Treecko cascaded out of his Pokeball and threw himself at the organisms. In a flash, a centimetre from the floor, he caught them.

Later, after the Professor had finished his research, we were invited into his study to talk. He greeted us with a warm smile, as Bonnie shamefully tried to cover her face. "Ah, Toby! Thank you every so much for your help back there. I knew it had to be you because you're one of the best Pokemon Trainers I've ever had the pleasure of meeting!"  

"Er, it was nothing Professor. What were you researching anyway?"

Oak pulled a small laptop out from a drawer beneath his desk. He turned it on and ferociously tapped at the keys for some time. After a long silence, he twirled the laptop around and showed me some pictures. "You know this Pokemon, don't you?"  

"Yes Professor, that's a Pichu."

He moved several pictures along. 

"And this one?"

A familiar face popped up to meet me. 

"Of course I do! That's a Swellow! I used to have one on my journey through Hoenn!"

One more stroke on the keyboard and some more familiar faces came up on screen. 

"Don't even ask," I said "Those are Staraptor and Scraggy!"  

"Excuse me, Professor?" Holly asked from her chair. "Why are you showing us pictures of common Pokemon?"

Professor Oak closed down his laptop, put it in the drawer and stood up.  

"Well, you see, all of these Pokemon are from regions yonder."

We all nodded in unison, even Riolu. "The problem is that these Pokemon, and the rest of the Pokemon from their respective regions, are all migrating here."

This was dumbfounding! From One Hundred and Fifty-One Pokemon, all the way to Six Hundred and Forty-Nine! All in one place!? Bonnie raised her head to speak. "Yeah, but Professor, that's good for your research isn't it?" She asked. 

"You would think, my dear. But in actual fact, this is a catastrophe! Kanto is among the smallest regions in the world. If we were to have Six Hundred Pokemon breeding here in Kanto, we would all soon be under threat of being pushed off the region forever!"

There was a tense silence, until I spoke my mind. "This place has changed in the past few years. I thought this place was where the Pikachus feed, where the Rattata play, not a stomping ground for Arceus and Zekrom! How is this happening? Why, why are they coming here?"

The professor spoke out what I had thought of ever since I learnt of the incident. We stared at each other until we both uttered the words:

"Team Rocket."

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