Chapter 17 - Recollection

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“Toby, that’s not how to throw a PokeBall, look, watch Mummy!”

“Hold the ball firmly in your hand, and throw it at the Pokemon!”

“Throw ball?”

“Yes, honey, throw ball! Good boy!”

“Mum, show me how to train Pokemon!”

“Wander around the woods with your Treecko! He'll eventually warm up to you lots and lots!”

“So this is it... Goodbye Mum, Dad!”

*sniff* “So, you’re finally leaving on your own adventure.” *sniff*

“I’m going to be just like you Mum!”

“I’m so proud of you! Come here, give me a big hug before you leave.”

“I love you Mum!”

“And I love you, Toby.”


I awoke in a start. “Mum!” I blurted out loud. Luckily, it was still night time, and there were no civilians to see me calling for my mother. I looked around me to see my friends and their Pokemon still soundlessly asleep. Somebody did hear me though, and that somebody was Cyndi. She looked up at me with small, wondering eyes. “It's ok, girl.” I said, stroking her head. “Now get back to sleep.”

She thoughtfully nodded, licked my hand then continued her slumber. I too lay back onto the grass and closed my eyes.

A single, solitary tear ran down my cheek as I drifted back into dreamland.


“Morning!” Holly said, looming over me. “Wake up sleepy head! It’s time we moved on!” She encouraged, pulling me to my feet.

“Oh, good morning everyone.” I croaked, sleep still in my eyes. Jake and Bonnie simply waved, slipping their bags onto their backs.

“So where next?” Holly asked. I had thought of a plan yesterday, and I was sure they’d like to hear it.

“Well, how about some training?” I suggested.

“I know Bonnie’s probably dying for some action.” I added. This was met with a frantic nod from my sister. “Ok then, Jake, could you train her?” I asked. Jake drew a PokeBall from his belt, tossed it and caught it again.

“Sure, let’s do this!”

The two were set to fight on the banks, Holly being the referee and me being a spectator. “Three, Two, One! POKEMON BATTLE!” Holly screamed, a little too enthusiastically. Jake chose Lucario, whilst Bonnie brought out a new Pokemon.

“Go, Foongus!” She called, slinging her PokeBall into the air. A small mushroom Pokemon appeared on the field in a flash of light. Foongus is special, because its head is shaped just like a PokeBall. “You go first!” Jake said, allowing Bonnie the first move.

“Foongus, use SolarBeam!” Bonnie ordered. The small mushroom absorbed the sun's light instantly, converting it into solar energy.

“Catch it!” Jake told his Lucario, who instantly braced itself for attack. The SolarBeam shot off at Lucario with incredible speed, but unfortunately, not enough power. Lucario easily caught the beam, converting it into a double strength Aura Sphere. “Attack!” Jake ordered, Lucario instantly slamming the ball of energy into Foongus, sending it flying. Foongus hit the ground hard, skidding across the rough grass and into a garden fence. Amazingly, it stood back up again! Battered and bruised, Foongus trudged back to the battlefield. Before anybody could say anything however, Foongus started to glow. “He’s evolving!” Bonnie exclaimed. After a full twenty seconds, Foongus had transformed into a much larger Amoongus, sporting two PokeBall shields.

For some reason after that, I completely zoned out. It was like I was in my own little thought bubble, and all I could think about was that dream I had last night, those voices in my head. It was all catching up to me. Even my own brain wanted me to think that my mother was gone forever! But what kept me going was the fire in my heart, the determination that kept me sane.

“Amoongus, use Grass Knot!” Bonnie said, with the added flourish of a wink. Grass Knot trips foes, meaning the heavier the enemy, the more damage. Unfortunately, for Jake, Lucario is part Steel-Type, which means it weighs a lot more than the ordinary Pokemon. Jake could not react, for it was over in a flash. Lucario stepped forward, tripping on a Grass Knot and hitting the ground hard. He was down and out before Jake had time to moan.

Nobody else heard it, but I did. A faint roar from over the hills reached my ear, begging me to investigate. I left the battle in mid flow and climbed to the nearest hill to get a better view. I saw a boy being confronted by two Rocket Grunts just before Digglett Cave. I wished I could have helped, but it turned out that the boy was perfectly fine by himself. I saw him bring a PokeBall out and throw it forward.

What came out of the PokeBall was a Nightmare, to speak literally. It was in fact a Darkrai, the Pokemon said to strike fear into the minds of children. Faint sounds could be heard from where I was, but I did manage to decipher the boy’s move. “Dark Void!” He yelled, his Darkrai sending the Rocket Grunt’s Pokemon into a black hole. It knocked them out and teleported them a few metres away.

“Whoa!” I exclaimed to myself. The Rocket Grunts ran away in terror, and the boy yawned and stretched his arms. He then turned his head to me and gave me thumbs up. It made me jump, because I had no idea he’d noticed me. I did the same to him and he continued to stroll on like nothing had happened. The last I saw of him was his jet black hair as he turned the corner.

“Toby, you’re missing it!” Holly called from down below. The battle! I ran down the hill at a steady pace.

“I’m coming!” I replied.

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