Chapter 26 - A Sunset Proposal

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The moment didn't last long. Not two minutes before Nelly had started walking away, I noticed a shadowed figure, standing atop the Safari Zone. The figure slashed through the air with his hand, and a green blade of energy shot from his position, homing in on Nelly, who was staring at the floor in her own world. I started to sprint before words formed in my mouth. “Nelly!” I yelled, warning her. She instantly looked up, seeing the green beam before her eyes. “Hraaa!” I cried, diving through the air and catching Nelly by the waist. I tackled her to the ground, but spun around so that I hit the floor instead of her. The attack soared just inches from Nelly's head. “Toby!” She exclaimed, shocked. Then there was a small explosion, where the energy hit the ground. A whirlwind of sand was shot in all directions, forcing us to dive behind a rock for cover. Slowly, it died down, and we were able to stand up. “Thank you... You... Saved me...” Nelly gasped. The shadowed figure had disappeared, but now there was a huge airship, blotting out the beautiful sun.

“Are you ok?” I asked.

“I'm fine, thanks to you...” She replied. Just then, a giant mechanical arm shot from the bulk of the ship, its claws poised. “Look out!” Nelly screamed, and launched herself at me. I was sent flying, and Nelly was caught by the claws. She saved me! Just as I got to my feet, the arm started to retract, reeling its prize back in. “Toby! Run!” Nelly was screaming.

“Grrr... NO!” I roared, and chased after Nelly with new found speed.

"I've waited my whole life to find a person like her... I'll be damned if I let her slip away now!"

The arm started to pull upwards, hoisting Nelly closer to the belly of the ship. I was so close too! Two more seconds! Just two more! Now the claw was above my reach, and moving faster every second. Still running, I targeted Nelly's garden fence. “Here goes nothing!” I yelled, and leapt into the air. I slammed one foot down on the gate and took off again with my forward momentum, but had I possibly miss judged the timing? Was I too late? The claw shot upwards, whizzing past my face.

In a moment of slow motion, I thrust my right arm upwards. Amazingly, in mid-air, my fingertips closed around the rim of one of the metal talons. “Toby! What are you-!” Nelly began.

“I wasn't just going to leave you!” I rasped. The two of us were winched up towards the ship, people looking like ants beneath us.

 It felt like my arms were on fire. Despite the speed of the moving arm, the thing seemed to take an eternity to reel in its catch. My arms screamed for relief, and I knew I couldn't hold on much longer. My upper body strength was appalling. I wasn't made to stretch. Finally, we were sucked into the belly of the ship, and the hatch beneath shut with a clang. “Nghaa...” I sighed, and released the metal claw. I hit the floor which had moments before been a portal to Fuchsia. My arms relaxed, but now wasn't the time for recuperation! The rusty metal holding Nelly hostage screeched open, and she fell through the air. I jumped from my back to one knee, and outstretched my still sore limbs. Nelly landed in my arms, gasping in disbelief. “I... Thank you...” She said warmly.

"I... I-I'm touching her...!"

I stood and pulled her to her feet.

Suddenly, a TV screen that had until now gone unnoticed, flickered into life on the side of a wall. A familiar face appeared. “Hahahaha!” James chortled. “My, you two do make a fine couple!”

Nelly and I frowned at the screen. “Oh, don't be so harsh! Accept the compliment!” He continued. “I had intended to snag a Princess, and make a wager with her Prince. Unfortunately, I bagged you both!” James laughed, seeming unusually pleased with himself.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“My my! Why so serious, Toby! All I want is a chat over some tea! Hahahaha!” The lunatic menaced. “I have commandeered a Team Rocket Airship,” he continued. “I would like to make the wager now, but I'd rather have some fun first!” James heckled with a drop of childishness in his voice. “So, brave knight Toby,” he joked. “Let's see how long you can protect your Princess!” And with that, the TV went black. “Toby...” Nelly trailed off. I explained to her who James was, and she listened intently.

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