Back to school...

Start from the beginning

I made some presentations and that was that.

Us students shared our work for the exam and we helped each other to improve our shit while Noiz and Koujacket resumed their match.

It was fine unless Koujacket threw Noiz on the central table and goodbye table...

"KOUJAKU YOU KNOW I HAVE NO MONEY WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT!?" I started to scream in a panick.

Koujaku was in his berserk mode for some non-intelligient reason and he ripped his kimonono off and went for me. "COME AT ME BRO!" He said.

"Fuck it." I took the mac(that we use even if a mac is not good enough for working with 3D stuff) and I threw it on his head.

"HEADSHOT" Someone screamed from somewhere. "HOW DARE YOU TREAT A COMPUTER LIKE THIS!!" Noiz returned conscious and punched my nose.

"I bet on Ciacci now..." Said Toue giving money to Mink.

"You stupid...!" I took the old lady and I started to use her like a bat. "Come here!" I screamed while running after Noiz.
Suddenly Koujaku stood up and made us trip on the floor.

I tried to swing the human bat but she turned flaccid... The woman probably lost her senses.

"Can we...?" Asked gently Virus pointing at her.
I didn't know what would they use her for but I know this, this woman needs some dick, no joke.
So I just gave her to him and the threesome continued... It never stopped.

Noiz took me suddenly, bridal-style. I could hear his heart beating and I looked closely at his beautiful eyes. "CATCH!" He said and threw me to Koujaku. "FUUUUUUCK!" Screamed the gay samurai falling down with me on top of him...

I got up and I resumed to run after Noiz. "VIENI QUÍ BRUTTO CRETINO!!"  I started to scream in Italian, like it would change something.

By the way, the other student just ran home.

I got up on the teacher's table. "STOOOPPPPP" I screamed and everyone looked at me. "The professor is gonna come by any minute now. We have to be presentable, I don't want to compromise my exam vote with this so please, calm down and put some clothes on!"

Everyone just looked at me and when I finished they resumed their shit.

"I'LL USE IT!!" I screamed again. "No, the cursed expression..." Whispered Mink.

"If you do that I'll beat you with my dick!" Said menancingly Koujackass, looking at me.

"I'll rape you son..." I said pulling out a dragon dildo from under the desk.
Kou just screamed and he fained on the spot.

"Uhm can we?" Asked again Virus.
"YEEET!" I threw the dragon dildo on his head causing him a brain damage.

"STOP NOW!" I said for the last time.

"C-Carmen?" It was him... My professor.
He just entered and he was looking with the mouth open.

Toue that was harassing a tree, Mink that was counting the money, Koujaku half naked on the floor, Noiz full of bruises, Trip that was still fucking Awba and Virus was inside too but half dead. And at the end me, on his desk with a bleeding nose and a ripped shirt.

"What the fuck is happening!?" He asked a little panicked.

"I'm sorry but I have to do it..." I said already regretting it.
"Wh-why the long face now!?" He asked alarmed.
"Oh fuck..." Whispered Noiz and he run out of the school.
I told my prof everything.
"Yes, I see. Don't worry."
Luckily he TRPped before he could say goodbye to his pants.

I sighed and packed my stuff. "Let's go home, I need Sei."

After two hours we finally arrived. You, Sei and Mizuchi were watching Tv, relaxing.
"Already back?" You asked curious.

I just took Sei and went to my bedroom.

The eavening just run smoothly and eventless.
At night tho...

You were sleeping on my sofa while Noiz was near you with his pc.
He sighed and turned to you.
You woke up and looked at him.

"It's time."He said.

Your heart started to beat like crazy, your face was already a tomato. You were not that prepared to receiving him but you didn't care. You wanted to make love with Noiz.

You hesitantly nodded. He moved you a little and he lay down near you. The sofa wasn't so big so you two were stuck together.


He just

He just rolled around and started to sleep.

You see now.
It was just time to sleep.

You went to the fridge and joined Awba crying and munching on a raw wurstel...
I just want to go to the exam and finally be free.....

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