After about a year or so the safe house was invaded and almost everyone was killed, except for a few of us. I was confused at first, I feared for my life. I didn't want to die, I had survived so much that I wasn't about to quit that far into the game. All of my worries dissipated however when I laid my eyes on him for the first time. I was instantly captivated. He looked young, probably just a few years older than me yet his eyes told a different story. He walked with an air of power and dominance, he was breathtaking with his tailored suit and tie. They took the few survivors with them. We were all interviewed and as soon as they asked me if I had anywhere to go I told them that I didn't. I was offered a chance to work for them. I wasn't sure, the last time I had accepted something similar, things turned out horribly. In the end I decided to do it, I had no other options really. I soon learned the man I had seen was called Alessandro. He was the boss of the Italian Mafia. I found out that he had just barely replaced his father after killing him. I was frightened of him at first and I was doubting my decision to stay. Since he was fairly new, he was building his personal team. He needed people he could trust to help him run the business. He decided I was a good candidate. He had some members teach me everything I needed to know. I was safe, but it was too late. I was already broken. I became sadistic and took pleasure in hurting others. I have never hurt an innocent person but my specialty is obtaining information from "difficult" people. He was proud of my progress. For the first time, I felt like I had done something right. After constantly interacting with him, I eventually fell for him. I wanted him to love me but he had some bad habits. I noticed how he slept with new women every other day. I took note of the type of woman he found attractive and what they all had in common was a good body and skimpy clothing with heavy makeup. I transformed myself and one day I finally got a chance with him. He was wasted but I saw it as an opening and I came onto him and for the first he didn't stop me, he actually went along with it very well. I thought that I could manage to get him to fall for me but the next day he didn't remember what had happened and he told me it had been a mistake. That day, my heart was broken for the last time. I decided that I would stop loving him but I was going to make sure he loved me. With every one of my attempts he grew colder and much more distant. I was shut down every single time.

I am brought back to reality as soon as I realize that I am already at my destination. I park the car and get out. Alessandro was already paying for what he has done against me and soon he will regret it all. As I reach the door I notice the guards at the door. Pigs. All of them, every time I come they look me up and down.

"Move." I push one of them out of the way and walk inside. I make my way up the stairs and knock on the office door.

"Come in." As I open the door I see his ugly face, the only reason I'm here is to make sure Alessandro regrets the way he has treated me. Both of them will pay for humiliating me. I had enough of that with my father and Aaron, I won't allow anyone else to do it as well.

"I assume you've already done it?" I nod

"Yes, they should be receiving the information very soon." I see him grin at my words. I know why he wants Alessandro but I don't understand why he wants Amber. At first I thought it was to hurt Alex even more but as time has passed I'm not so sure, there seems to be another reason I don't know of.

"Excellent." I had given some information for Kyle to divulge. He is one of Alessandro's men that is working as an informant for him. Cobra wanted the Mafia to find out that we were back in America. Once they are here, they will be in our reach.

"So, I've been doing everything you've told me. Can I see him now?" He had promised I could see Alessandro soon and I look at him thinking.

"Hmm. I guess you've earned it." He gets up and gestures for me to follow him. We walk through the large house, the utter silence is broken only by the footfall of each of us. We stop in front of a door.

"He's in there. Don't take long and don't do or say anything you might regret. Even if you want revenge on him, I know better than to trust you."

"Don't worry, even if I were thinking of doing so we still have to get that other bitch. She isn't getting away." I turn away from him and open the door. I hear some movement in the dark room and as I turn on the light I bite back a gasp. Alessandro looks so different. He is pale, bruised and just generally looks the complete opposite of his usually well groomed self. I feel a pang of regret inside of me but I quickly push it down. Don't be weak, look where sympathy, love and trust has gotten you. I stand straight before he had a chance to see my first reaction. His face morphs from anger and defiance to shock and betrayal, only to shift into utter rage.

"Hello, Alex. You've had quite some time alone to think. Tell me? Have I been in your thoughts?"

Saving the Mafia Boss (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now