Chapter 34.

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"Dr. Smith will be here soon, another appointment is taking longer than expected." The nurse explains as Louis takes a seat on the hospital chair, Harry sitting next to him. "I'll prepare the ultrasound, how many months along?"

"Six," Louis smiles.

"Ah, the big twenty-six weeks! Always exciting!" The nurse giggles, "You'll find out the gender today?"

"Yeah, we decided we want to know." Harry nods, eyes on Louis' stomach the whole time, checking what the nurse is doing.

"Oh look, there are your babies!" She presses the wand against the side of Louis' belly. "I can't tell the genders, the doctor will do that but awh, they are so tiny! You must be so happy, double the fun!"


"Aren't you? I mean, twins are never expected so I guess you had to do some recounting but it's the beautiful gift of life and you just got two presents!" The nurse babbles on as Dr. Smith walks through the door.

"Hello, Mr. Tomlinson, let's see if baby Styles is a boy or a girl, right?" The doctor sits down in his chair, taking the wand from the nurse. "What did you check Janette?"

"Heartrate and size, we also checked Mr. Tomlinson's weight." Janette says as she makes her way to the door. "Goodluck men, I hope you get two lovely bundles of joy!"

"Two?" The doctor looks confused, instantly studying the screen. "Would you look at that, looks like baby B has been hiding behind his sister the whole time."



"Congratulations boys, you're having one of each!"


"Louis, honey, it's always so nice to hear your voice again, even through the phone, I-"

"I'm not telling you the gender, mum."


"Oh Hazzy, I'm so proud of you, becoming a father and-"

"Nope, you'll have to wait for the gender reveal party, mum."



"Hello everybody and thank you for coming today, thanks for the gorgeous gifts." Harry bows a little, his hands doing a little praying-pose. "We'd like to reveal the gender of our baby with a cupcakes, we got a little cupcake and the dough will be coloured blue or pink, so when our little cupcake eats the cupcake, we'll know the gender"

"When is it cakey-time, daddy?"

"In a bit, love"

They are standing in the livingroom, the couches and chairs filled with Louis' and Harry's family, Jamie, Zayn and a very pregnant Niall. The two expecting are chatting loudly about the little aches and their cravings.

The kids are playing hide and seek, well everyone expect for Robin. She's been nervously asking her fathers about the baby and the cupcakes.

"Lou, do you want to do it now?"

"I don't mind, we could wai-"

"We aren't going to wait, we want to know now!" Johanna yelps from the other side of the room, Anne nodding voilently, making the other guests laugh at their desperation.

"Please Harry, we really can't wait!"

"Well, then," Louis claps his hands together, "Ro, you want that cupcake now?"

"Yes!" The small girl runs to the kitchen and snatches the cupcake off the table, where Harry earlier secretly took the other. "I eat now?"

"You may!"

The four-year-old is quick to take a big bite of of it, getting white icing all over her face, until she gets to the center and the white icing is accompanied by pink crumbs, making the people sitting around the room errupt in cheers.

The four-year-old is quick to take a big bite of of it, getting white icing all over her face, until she gets to the center and the white icing is accompanied by pink crumbs, making the people sitting around the room errupt in cheers

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"Another girl!" Jay cries, hugging her son.

As Anne tries to do the same, Harry is quick to dodge it, getting another cupcake from behind his back.

"Ro, would you like another cupcake?"

"What?" The mother asks, her eyes close to popping out of her face. "Another? What?"

"Yes, daddy!"

This time blue crumbs are seen, making everyone in the room silent.

"This is a joke, right Lou? You-"

"Doc made a mistake, we're having twins. He said our baby boy was hiding behind his sister the whole time." Louis smiles widely as his mother pulls him in for another hug with happy cheers and tears.

The people go back to their small talk and games as Harry hands out blue and pink cupcakes to everyone to celebrate the good news.

"You want one, love?" He asks as he walks to the loveseat where his boyfriend is comfortably sitting with Gemma, who's trying to get the title of godmother.

"Yes please." He smiles up at the other, his hands making grabbing motions, which make the elder chuckle.

"Here you go, sweets." Harry hands him one and goes to put the others away, quickly returning to the livingroom just in time.

"Ow!" Louis shouts as his teeth come in contact with something hard as he bites into the center of the cupcake, "What the-"

He takes a napkin from the table, spitting out the piece of hard silver. Wait, silver?

"Louis William Tomlinson, will you marry me?"


Hello everybody!

I honestly hate this chapter, it is so horribly written, yet I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

- THEY ARE GOING TO GET MARRIEd??? (Or are they? 😏)
- Who should be godparents?
- Ideas for (middle)names?

X Emma

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