Chapter 17.

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"So, let's get to know each other better?" Louis suggests as the waiter walks off with their order, him having ordered the chicken Harry promised to be mouth-watering good.

"Let's." The teacher chuckles. "Twenty-one questions?"

"Alrighty, me first."

Louis takes a sip of his drink, making a big deal about thinking about a question, with a dramatic frown and fist to his chin, much like the statue.

"What- No, that's not a good first question, it's got to be special, Tommo."


"Hush, you're interrupting my thinking, Styles."

"Oh sorry, almight-"


Harry can't help but giggle at the teachers antics, but slapping a hand over his mouth when the parent throws him a playfull glare.

"Aha! I got one!" Louis' face lights up. "What's your favourite colour?"

Harry almost chokes on his Chardonnay as the two burst out in laughter at the random question. "My favourite colour? That is the best first question you could think off?"

"Well, yes. Now answer, curly."

"Would it be cliché," Harry's goofy smile transforms into a saucy smirk as he leans forward a bit. "To say the colour of your eyes this exact moment."

That surely silences Louis as he looks down at the table, a rose colour adorning his cheeks. "It would be, yeah."

"Well, it is though, I always liked blue, I am just that kind of manly man, I guess. But never did I have a favourite shade of blue, and though I love the light shiney blue your eyes have when you're outside in the sun, I think I prefer the darker, deeper blue, they have right now."


"You love it, though."

"Meh." Louis jokes. "Your turn, love."

"Love, huh? What happened to meh."


"Well, Mr. Sourface, what is the best advice you ever got?"

Louis sighs.

"He doesn't matter."

"Straight forward it is."

"More like gay forward. Anyway, my mum said that when she read the letter my boyfriend and the father of Robin had sent to our home. I was so scared and mad and everything at ones, I guess, and my mum just- she was very cool about it and just, I don't know, it's like she powered me through those nine months, hell she still powers me through it most days."

"Your mum sounds like a very strong woman."

"She is. She always had to be with se-"

"Hush that's a next question!" Harry laughs. "But it's your turn again asker of great questions."

"Well, master of the game, what is the best advice you ever given."

"Your papa has to like him as well."

"Oh god, I remember that."

"Hey, it's better to like the man your daughter sets you up with right?"

"Who says I like the person she set me up with?"

"Well, I'd hoped you would like me by now."

"You're okay, I guess."


"Hey, here's your food, whiney-face. Is he being decent, Louis?"

"He is, thank you, Gemma."

"No, problem, love." Gemma says and sets down the plates. "Okay, before you you'll see a nice chicken breast fillet, filled with mozzarella and wrapped in parmaham. And on the side is a homemade mash, family recipe."

"Looks great, sis."

"I guess this will be your meal now, since you're both eating it on your first date, I should call it the Larry."



Hello everybody!

Next chapter is a big one, I guess.

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- Who's your fave charakter in the story?
- How are you?

X Emma

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