Chapter 15.

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"So, remind me, why do I watch her today?"


"No really, where are you going again?"


"Oh stop it, Lou, I'm just joking. Have fun, tonight."

"Thanks, mum."

"But not too much fun, no daddy Hazzy action tonight please. I love Robin but we really don't need a second anytime soon."


"Have fun, darling!"


"The fuck do people wear on a first date?"

"Is it our first date, though? I mean we had dinner and went to the zoo."

"But Robin was there, so this is our first date."

"What do people wear on those?"

Louis debates with himself as he's looking through his clothes, throwing jeans and shirts around without a care.

"Casual or casual chic? God, I don't even know where we're going how will I know what to wear."

As Louis is finally combing through his hair, making sure his fringe is in place, he hears the doorbell. He jumps down the stairs trying to put on shoes at the same time and surprisingly manages to get down without broken bones.

"Knock knock."

He hears as he is just about to open the door.

"Why'd you say knock knock after ringing the bell?"

"Knock knock!"

Louis rolls his eyes.

"Who's there?"


"Flowers who?"

"Flowers for you, so open the door!"

And surely as the parent opens the door he is met with a big bundle of roses. And after putting them in a half full sink, as he doesn't own a vase, and if he does he wouldn't know where it is, the two are off.

"Where are we going."

"Answering that would ruin the surprise."

"Sappy little shit."


Hello everybody!

I am really ignoring that I have exams within 8 days and I'm absolutely fucked.

Next chapter is the date and I'm still not that sure what they're going to do 🤷🏻‍♀️

I think they're going to play 21 questions:

- Give me some questions?
- Answer the question you suggested and I'll do too!

X Emma

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