Chapter 7.

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"Ro, can you help me set the table, love?"


"Yes, love?"

"Why is there fwee plates?"

"Three, darling." Louis smiles as he carefully watches the toddler take the plates to their small table. "Well, we have a guest tonight."

"Is gwanma Jay comin'?"

"Nope, not today. Mr. Harry is, though."

"Yay!" Robin shouts with glee. "I love Mr. Hazzy, he so tall and cuwlie!"


"He cuwlie, his hairs are all weird and pwetty, no papa?"

"I guess so."


"Thank you, Robin." Harry smiles at the toddler who clumsily passes him the mashed potatoes. "You too, Louis, this very nice, thank you for inviting me."

"It's the least I could do after you helped me with Ro."

"Mr. Hazzy always help me a lots, papa. Helped I colour and I build houses for me dollies!"

Robin excitedly tells her father while making a mess of her mash.

"Well, I do love playing dolls with you, Robin."

"Can we play dolls now?"

"Ro, we are eating now but maybe after dinner Harry can stay a bit longer to play dolls with you before you have to go to bed, darling."


Hello everybody!

I have a cold during summer and haaaate it!

- Things you defenitely want to happen in  this story?
- Favourite app besides Wattpad?

Instagram, without a doubt. I love it a bit too much 😅 (samelessly going to drop my username now) emma_snijders, hit me up y'all 😉

X Emma

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