
837 25 14

Trigger Warning: Rated 18
AN: The Darkness of the night is my lover.

"Disappointment is another form of poison choking us by our own demons."



...I Love You

I swear, those were the words that fell from my lips before I welcomed darkness around me. But I had not intended too- I don't really love him do I?

I barely know him..

But then- when I woke up and he was not there again, I suddenly realize the grave truth of my situation. My feelings were all linked to my instinct. Therefore, a part of it was true, the longing I felt was not a lie. I indeed harbor such feelings for him.

It terrified me.
I was not ready for this.

I had expectations- meeting your mate was not like this. We were suppose to bond slowly, and love was something that blossomed gradually. Heat did not come right at the instant of meeting, but I knew I was different. I always did. This strange heat I was in was a curse.

I sat up slowly, and swung my feet out of bed groggily rubbing my eyes awake, grabbing the glass of water that sat on the nightstand I gulp everything down, soothing the irritating scratching sensation in my throat. Placing the glass back on the table,I turned to glance around the room.

I slowly push myself over the edge of the mattress, and softly touch my feet on the cold floor. I winced and groaned out in pain, my entire body was buzzing in a strange electrifying numb feeling. My muscles trembled.

"Back on the bed, Amelia." I yelped and stilled, my head shut upwards, my eyes widen startled, as I found his hard gaze on mine.

I froze in place, unable to move, my heart pounding, as I access the situation.

One. There was no denying, that was a hard command.

Two. My body chose that very moment to freeze up and officially mute its connection with my brain. I lost the nerve to move and obey.

Three. His eyes were golden fire, and his scent was heavy with lust, I can't stop staring.

Four. I was feeling the heat rising and my core dripping in need, and I know he can smell it. His nostrils flared as he leaned against the threshold.

I watch him smirk at me, and slowly stalk towards me like the predator that he was.

He came close to me, and brush my hair to the side, baring my shoulder to him. I found myself looking down and tilting my head to the side in submission.

He groaned, and the sound did things to me- my stomach clench in knots, and I found myself rubbing my legs together, my core heating up in need.

It took me awhile to realize that I was naked in front of him, and I almost screamed.

I gasp, and fell backwards to the bad, and scrambling to grab onto the sheets for cover.

He growled at me. "You will not hide from me, Little Mate. You are Mine to Do so as I Please.."

His voice held so much power, the richness of it made me shiver. My eyes rolling back, and my body giving in to primitive desires.

He leaned over, grab hold of the sheets, tore it from my grasp, and kissed me raw, heatedly pushing his tongue in my mouth. I could not stop the moan that escape from me, and melted in his arms.

A loud whine left my lips, when he rose and took a step back away from me. He growled at me in warning.

"Patience, Little Luna.." At the very sound of his voice, my control raptures, my body gave in to all instinct, as I felt the heat rise in me, my core muscles clenching, my walls begging for him inside me. I moaned out in both pain and need.

I could feel my eyes change, possibly turning darker, beastly.
I squeeze my eyes shut, and took a deep breath through my mouth. Trying to settle my nerves, my needs- breathing through the pain. I could feel warm tears escaped the corners of my closed lids, and I held my breath.

This pain, may be bearable than the last, but it did not mean I could endure it all.

I felt the bed dipped in front of me, and my eyes strung open. A gasp parted from my lips when I found him inches from me, with his breath fanning my lips and hooded eyes dark and golden looking at me with sheer desire.

He responded with a groan, eyes shutting close and inhaling deeply.

"..say that again, Little Luna.." he sounded husky, as I watch a small crooked smile tag at the corners of his lips.

"Y-yyess..A-Aalpha?" I stuttered, and a
rose blossomed from my cheeks, as I felt his heated hand slowly trail up my naked thigh, and teasingly up and down- each stroke growing closer to my dripping need.

"..You smell so sweet, my dear. I feel like a starving wolf when I am with you.." He hummed, leaning in with his nose slowly rubbing the sensitive skin by my neck.

He breathes in deeply, before groaning and suddenly started lapping at my skin with his hot tongue.

"Aahh... " I had no words, as my whole body burned with a desire so powerful, I screamed, with my fingers digging into his forearms, drawing blood.

"Such delicate beauty.." his voice was rough, and heavy with sadness, even when his eyes reflected with lust, even when he smelled strongly of desire. He was doing this out of duty, and I knew then, I indeed wanted to love this man.


I had left her once again, alone- locking all doors, leaving water, extra suppressants and a note that says she needed to eat and take all medication and stay right where she is, or be punished.

That was just in any case she wakes and decides to go on another daring scavenger hunt to find me.

While I had no doubt that the medication had knocked her out. I doubted the primitive side of her, her instincts were in control now, especially in her heat.

I walked through the throne room and found it empty, as much as the rest of the castle was empty.

What the hell is going on? Where did all my men go?

Making my way to the medical wing, I thought of a memory where I once brought my wife to the hospital. She was pregnant then-God the way she was shining that morning, she was only four weeks along before she was taken away from me.

I heard the sound of rattling chains as I grew near at the entrance of the medical wing. With the heavy smell of chlorine, and bleach lingering in the air. It almost burned the scent in the air- but I caught hold of it.

The smell of blood.

I woke with a sharp cry- as I felt claws grab hold of my legs, the touch burned, and I knew then.
It was 't my mate.

A mate's touch is made to soothe pain.

I came face to face, with a stranger, his eyes bloodshot red, his canines sharp and elongated. A menacing growl ripples from his chest, as I struggled against his hold.

It hurt. It burned. It felt like my body  was being poured with acid.

"You will be mine." the beast spoke, eyes boring my fearful ones.  As be grab hold of my wrist and slowly trace his disgusting tongue against my pulse point.

I screamed.

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