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I woke up feeling cold hard metal around both of my wrist. My arms dangling above my head.

I blinked as a blur of white hovered over me, wincing at the feel of something pricking my neck.

As the world around me turned darker, my head throbbing in pain, as my body grew hot and heavy against my restrains.

Where am I?


A Mate.

Five decades and the gods grace me with a mate?!

My hands clenched to fist and I furiously punched a hole through the stone hard walls. I was alone in the basement fitness gym before the damn doctor walked in. As I inattentively heard the doctor ramble on about the statues of my mate.

Each time I hear the word-thought of the word. My heart clenched as my mind burned with the memories of her.


September 2050

True love, does not exist in this world. That was what my Serena believed in.

Home from my eight tour- I relish in the cold air and the smell of brewing coffee as I waited for my wife to wake up from her much needed sleep.

I leaned by the open door of the terrace, as I gaze off into the vas forest. I had chosen this spot for many reasons- the privacy, the silence and the advantage of hearing my wife scream out in pleasure.

Oh yes.
Just the thought of her- and the memories of our nights activities had me hard and ready for another day of play.

My phone suddenly rang deep inside my jean pocket, as my hand swiftly tap onto the bluetooth earpiece I had on.

' This is Cage.

'Cage! We got a situation ..

'What's going on Nick?

'Check it out on CNN. This is fucking shit..

I made my way towards the living room and grab the remote, the screen came to life. As I press on the volume.

"New York City, is on lock down as a secret laboratory released information of a possible virus turning airborne..
Local government officials advise to keep calm and remain indoors. As CDC try to access the situation....."

The news went on as my mind went back to three months prior- they had asked me to choose the best boys in my unit. It was a top secret base experiment in trying to make body enhancements. Like strong steroids that could turn men to super soldiers. He had wanted to volunteer, but chose his much needed vacation with his wife, than becoming a lab-rat.

'You there Dante? You hear me?! They're experimenting on wolf gene! They injected them with wolf genetic enhancements...'
Nicks voice chatted with a static as the called died. His eyes widen as his heart started pounding, ears ringing like a bomb just went off too close.

He raised to the stairs to his wife.


Present time, fifty years later

I amongst others were the only survivors of the apocalypse that destroyed the world. Those who could not live through the change died, half turned.

Like his wife. He could still remember, holding her in his arms as they hid under the subways. Running from the bloodthirsty animals. She trembled in his arms, as she cried out in pain, her bones shifting under her skin, breaking and forming. He shushed her and held her tight. 'You're strong, you'll make it through.,'
He had said those words before he felt his wife go still, she stopped breathing, with eyes wide open- black as charcoal.

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