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A/N: Something Random for today guys-..

"... For she was the sun, moon and stars.. "



The moment, I lay her down on the bed, I made no hesitations in cuffing her wrist and chaining her to the post.

My hands were still dripping with blood from the young wolf I had killed earlier.

A sigh escape my exhausted lips, she was beautiful my mate. She reflected of innocence.
But guilt prickled at my conscience, I had called her Serena. She may not have heard it, but when realization had struck me. I felt shame.

The most important rule in the laws of mating was to love and protect, to cherish your mate. For without your bond, you will both perish in death.

Not only did I betray her by calling her the name of my deceased wife.

But I had neglected her- during the time she needed me most. When her body demanded for my dominance, for my semen to fill her womb with seed.

I had left her side in order to find a cure, a solution.

To get rid of her.

I should not have done that. I had only made matters worst judging by the sight that lay before me. As I slowly rip the torn shirt I had placed over her body. Dark purple black bruises marred my mates fair skin.

She reeked with the scent of other wolves  that had come near her, and it had my beast reeling with the need to claim her again.

The mating had not eased her heat, she was almost over her second week and still. Her scent- making me salivate with the desire to taste her, of her hot wet walls, and a taste of her blood as I mark her again and again.

The pheromones grew heavy in the air, as she slowly gained her consciousness.

Emerald eyes bore mine.



He had called me by another name. As I stared at him, unblinking, fighting back the urge to ask questions, and the call of my instincts to beg and submit to him.

Who was she..?

I need not ask- I knew, somehow. From the emotions that reflected under his gaze.
It was the name of the woman he loves- and that made me feel more pain tearing at my chest. I felt like I was being clawed from the inside- torn apart piece by piece. 

I couldn't help myself. I screamed.

His hands advanced over me, holding me in his arms. But something changed- because even his touch did not take away the pain from my heart.
As cool hands, slowly caress my heated flesh.

I cried, and trembled in his arms, tears blurring my vision, I screamed.
And when the pain subsided  into numbness, I cried in agonizing relief. Although temporary- the words that escaped from my lips were simple.

My voice sounded hoarse, barely audible to myself. My senses were dull from the burns in my flesh.

Help Me. 

Just when I uttered the words. The beast inside me, consumed me, and filled my mind with the haze of heat, and pure instinct.

Struggling in his arms, whining in pain.

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