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The wolf in me all but wanted to look up and find my mate. It was a hard battle between my conciseness and my instinct.

If I look up, he would kill me.

But my mate was here. He could be a guard, a knight, a warrior.

I closed my eyes and calmed myself as I took another step forward. Holding my breath, calming my erratic heart.

Five paces later, I knelt down low before the throne. Doing exactly as Anton instructed.

A loud growl echoed through out the entire room, as I involuntarily shivered in delight.

God. That sound was sexy. It was doing things to my needy body.

No- Amelia. You're in front of the King! Behave! I scolded myself in my head.


Heat hormones were both a blessing and a curse.

I heard him stood slowly, and took slow languid steps towards me.

"What is your name, she-wolf?"  The king spoke, as he came towards me, the red cloak trailing behind him.

All I saw was feet, but I inhaled and spoke, timidly.

"I am Amelia, your highness."

She felt him visibly stilled in front of her, as she felt a warm large hand touch her head.
Electric shocks course through her spine, as she audibly gasp in shock.

"Look at me." He ordered with a growl. The hand on her head shifted towards her chin as she raised her head.

He was bent down, face to face with her. Her eyes bulged, and jaw drop. His scent intoxicating her senses, her heart almost stopped with a thud. As she stared face to face, inches apart, from her one true mate.

His eyes were gold and silver mingled together before they turned into pure solid gold in color. A sign that his instincts were taking over.

Before she even knew what was happening, he had grab hold of her hands, roughly pulling her feet and clutch on her forearm, crashing his hot lips to hers.

She gasp in shock, as his breath invaded her mouth with her tongue.

Sparks erupted all through out her body as she closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure.

Yes. She moaned and felt herself melt into his kiss.

It was Rapture.

As I melted into his touch, his arms came to hold me by the waist. I surrendered to his dominance, as our kiss slowly came to an end. Our nose touching, our breaths mingling, as we panted for air.,

My body tingled with a thousand sensations.

His eyes glinted and turned back into a natural blue color. I smiled, as he stared at me and took a step back.

Something flash in his eyes, as he growled, his hands clench into fist, knuckles turning white.

I frowned.

Something was wrong. Why was he backing away from me? We just kissed, surely he was feeling the bond, the call.

"Anton!" He all but roared, making me shriek in fright. I stumbled backward, his body trembled in pure rage. His scent changing to something slightly bitter.

He was furiously radiating with authority.

"Yes. My King." Anton came standing beside me, and bowed his head. How was he so calm?

"Take her to the cellars! Lock her there.." He all but bark out the command, as my eyes widen in horror.


"And chain her.." He hiss at Anton. As he glared at my direction.

"Yes. My King.." Anton turned to look at me, I saw concern flash in his eyes before it turned to gold and he grab me roughly by the shoulders, turning me away from my mate and pushing out the doors, gripping my wrist together behind me he led me across the red hallways and down a set of mossy stone steps towards the door that was at the bottom of the staircase.

I shivered- not only frightened but because it was suddenly unbelievably cold.

My breathes were coming out in smoke.
What was this place? The temperature was dropping.

Anton opened the heavy bolted doors and dragged me in.

I remained pliant and quiet- not even struggling.
I was in shock and on the verge of a panic attack.

I had accepted my fate of never getting a mate.
Now I realized that I indeed do have a mate-
The new problem is, he does not want me.

The memory of the kiss flashed before my eyes and my body grew still, as the heat within my core heightened.

Oh No.

This was the first stage of finding your mate- it didn't matter that I already had my heat last week. My body wanted the presence and the mark of its mate.

This was the bond calling to mate.

Soon my body would go back to estrus and I would be on my knees again in agony. Without my bag- I had no injections.

Anton stilled in his footsteps in the middle of the room, clenching the hand that held me by the forearm. I was dangling, but I didn't complain, as he slowly turned to look at me, growling like a beast.

It was too late to realize anything, as screamed and fell to my knees. My body temperature rising, my muscles in knots, and my core burning and clenching in pure agony. My insides were burning- and I had no mate to sate me, no injections help me.

I was going to die.

Pain pulsated all through my body and I could barely move, barely open my eyes- as I see Anton kneel before me, my body laying curled up on the cold cellar stone floors.

I heard him inhale deeply, and growled at me. I could feel his breath fan on my cheek. I whimpered in both fear and discomfort, my body refusing his attention as it longed for its mate.

I felt a hand reach out and pushed me flat on my back, as he hovered over me, growling. I winced and whined.

"No. Please.." I cried, my voice coming in rasp.
His canines elongated, my eyes widen in horror.

I was going to be marked by my mates beta- I was going to die of poison.

Oh gods.

Just when he was about to lounge at my neck, I flinched. Someone pulled him by the collar of his shirt and tossed him aside.

My body immediately reacted to his presence. As my nostrils flared from his scent, my core clenching, my eyes burning, my pulse quickened, sweat pouring from every pore in my body.

A bloodcurdling scream escape from my lips, as I felt my entire body burn. The entire castle could have heard me and I did not care- nor could I do anything.

Everything was burning, as I felt my entire body convulse from the floor.

I turned my head to the side and panted as the convulsion paused.

I groaned. As I heard footsteps come near me.

My Mate.

Before darkness took over.

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